
The Real Secret To Success

avatar of @jongolson
3 min read

"Oh here we go....

Look at the headline of this blog post!

I bet this guy is trying to pitch me something...

Some kind of get rich quick scheme. Something....Every time we hear 'secret to success', the secret usually ends up costing 47 bucks a month..."

I know what you are thinking! Cause every time I see a title of a blog post or email like this, my eyes start rolling.

If you watched yesterday's Crypto Maniacs podcast or listened in, you'll know what I'm about to go over. And it's nothing new, heck I'm pretty sure I've written about this more than any other topic here on the blockchain.

But to me, it's a message that must be repeated because for whatever reason...People just don't want to believe it.

I do want to frame this a little before we dive in, just because I think it's something we can all learn from.

This past week, I was poking around some web 2 platforms, and catching up with some of my offline friends. One of my best friends on the planet is a very successful health and fitness entrepreneur. He was answering a question on his profile where a customer had asked him (and I'm paraphrasing here)....

"What's the one thing you could tell someone that is getting started in their fitness journey?"

I checked the time stamps from the time the person asked the question to when he responded, it was literally a minute after the question was asked. His response...


We hear this time and time again. @taskmaster4450 and I literally go over it every time we record a podcast. Some might say, we're beating a dead horse. Welp, that horse needs to be beaten again.

This is what I said in yesterday's podcast...

The secret to success is to show up tomorrow on Hive. And then tomorrow, show up the next day. And after that, show up again. And when you feel like it's not worth it, and your efforts aren't showing results...Keep showing up!

I'm talking to you, that new member to the blockchain that is REALLY excited about the potential we have here. You see the upvotes that people get, the engagement that takes place and you feel, this is an online home for you.

So you do everything that is suggested....

  • You make blogs posts on a regular basis.

  • You are constantly engaging with others.

  • You've joined a lot of awesome communities.

But then...Nothing seems to stick. The traction just doesn't seem to be there.

But see, it is. Right now you may not see it, but it's there. Things are about to snowball and I don't have a crystal ball as to when it'll all fall in place, but it'll come. The truth is, it's supposed to suck at the beginning. That's part of the journey. But the key to building long term here on the blockchain or really (as we saw above with my friend's business) anything worth anything in life...

Is to show up tomorrow!

And that doesn't mean just show up for the sake of showing up, you have to put in the work. But that's the secret....

Literally, nothing to buy. No home study course needed. And no guru to hire to give you the advice.

Put in the work every day and keep showing up.

Good things ALWAYS happen! It just takes time...