
Hive, "The Path" To Universal Basic Income

avatar of @acesontop
3 min read

Universal Basic Income is a concept that has been touted quite often in the past one year and half since the plandemic has been forcedly poured into our lives. It's "a great concept" that would make our lives even more miserable if in the hands of the elites deciding what's black and white on this planet.

If we look for a second at how money is printed and what intrinsic value does that have, it's clear that any country can offer UBI to its citizens. They'll just print more than they usually do. But sir, what about inflation? Inflation is good and I know someone, cough @taskmaster4450, that can convince anyone, better than I, on that matter.

What's not to like about UBI?

Well, if you look at it from the perspective of some sort of minimum wage, that's supposed to just pay the bills and buy some food, while keeping you slave to this system, then there's a lot not to like about it. The US has already tested this concept with their $1,200 airdropped checks during the scamdemic and who knows what they're working on, behind the scenes.

I don't like being paid to do nothing, I'm no vegetable. I do consider though that when taking into account the riches this planet has, there shouldn't exist any poverty in the world. We have quite a lot of that though and it's unequal access to those riches that has lead to that. Hive can fix it though.

What I also don't like about UBI is the fact that it doesn't stimulate growth in any way, rather just maintaining humanity on a floating level, where social media is eating up most of the waking hours of billions around the world. I have nothing against social media, but I do love Hive.

It might sound a bit odd, but Hive has the potential to provide UBI to all sort of individuals around the world. It might not be "typical UBI", but since everybody's using social media anyway, why not earn something on the way. Instead of posting pics to instagram, you can do that on Hive and get some upvotes along with that.

HIVE is currently a bit under 50 cents, but when and if HIVE will reach $5 or more, imagine what an UBI it can become. I know, demographical diversity might play an important role in whether HIVE can act as UBI all over the world, but the potential is here.

This blockchain is no longer just about posting pics and blogging. It's been developed into more than that and who knows to what potential it can climb to, in four-five years from now. Universal basic income, from my perspective, is free airdropped money meant to hold one/large groups of people slaves to a system.

The type of Universal basic income that I see Hive providing for its users goes beyond that. It can be be better translated to fulfilling "the right to have access to wealth". It stimulates growth and can provide all sort of sources of abundance. "Cryptocurrency is one path to universal basic income", as Andrew Yang tweeted a few hours ago.

I agree, cryptocurrency is the type of UBI that I am chasing after. If someone would airdrop me the money I make with crypto, on a monthly basis and I had to ditch what I'm doing for that, I would definitely "decline the offer". Never has free money or free stuff empowered anyone.

The way I see it, universal basic income through crypto should be spelled as "the right to wealth and financial freedom". That's how I see it.

We don't need enslaving UBIs. We need to reclaim our freedom and to relentlessly buidl. No governmental power in the world will ever give us "absolutely free money". Crypto does that, but in a whole different manner and Hive is one of those projects that does it great.

Thanks for attention, Adrian

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