
Not every post can be a masterpiece - how I deal with writer's block

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3 min read

If you are in content creation you certainly have these days, when you seem to have no idea what to write about.

Well I have a day like that. I probably used all my creativity on the secret project I'm working on so that my idea potential has been completely used for today.

I remember that some time ago, I found a post of somebody who didn't know what to write about and I gave him the advice to write about not knowing what to write about (what a great idea :-)). If you are in content creation, you will sooner or later be confronted with what people call the writer's block. It's an interesting subject where people can learn how you deal with the situation. So today I decided to follow my own advice and write about that.

How do I deal with writer's block?

I've realized that when I had written good posts (in my own opinion) during the previous days, I tended to put myself under more pressure to keep the same level. That's often the reason why I have the feeling that my ideas are not interesting enough and I struggle to come up with the necessary inspiration for a post.

In such situations, the most important of all is to tell myself that not every post can be a masterpiece and that I should be happy with an average post for once.

Here several strategies that sometimes work for me:

Asking for help

Today I had the idea to write a little post on about my „problem“ and I got really some nice answers. Thanks a lot to @thatgermandude, @onealfa, @katerinaramm, @wiseagent, @Hykss, @cmmemes and @rarej for their kind attempts to help me to find a subject to write about. How great are these people! I've actually written down some of their suggestions on my list of ideas for further posts :-). By the way it's a good idea to have such a list.

In a way asking other people for help can be a solution but I think every person has his own interests and some things that he likes to write about and others that he doesn't. For example I almost never look at price charts. I try to blend the price variations of currencies out. My philosophy is to hold and accumulate.

For other people the whole fun of crypto is in trading. I totally understand that but I let these people write about it. It's simply not my turf. This is just an example to illustrate that asking for ideas may not always be the best solution.

Looking for inspiration

This often helps me in such situations. I go through my hive feed and look at the posts of other people. I might get some inspiration like that. In addition to that I often learn new stuff.

I totally went away from traditional social media. I don't remember when I last checked my Twitter, Facebook or Instagram account. For me the Hive feed is the thing that works best. However it can also be a newspaper, a book, a documentary, a film or whatever works for you.

Switch off the computer and get some air

This is the solution that works best for me. I switch off the computer, put on my running shoes and I go into the forest. I'm a very slow runner and I enjoy thinking while I'm running. That's how I get the best ideas.

The other moment that I get ideas is during the night but I don't like it because I need to get up to write things down, otherwise I can't go back to sleep. In the morning I've plenty of ideas but I'm lacking sleep,

When no inspiration comes, then maybe it's better not to write at all

This is something that I have to accept. There are these days when nothing works. Often it's the days where your head is in a kind of fog and you don't manage to bring two clever thoughts together. On such days, I simply skip my writing. When I force myself to produce something on these days I'm often quite unhappy with the result.

Do you have other strategies to deal with such situations?

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