
Telos vs Steem. Even though Steem is performing well this week, Steemit Inc will keep dumping steem to pay for $600K a month Amazon Bills while Telos has 0% inflation and earns you up to 30% APR usually 25% ... & has tripled since August

1 min read

Telos 0% inflation and its TEDP Telos Economic Development Package has worked. learn more about their plan to see something that actually works successfully.

Steem's EIP Economic Improvement Plan was not an economic improevemnt and the activity is the lowest in years. Steem can turn around but it has one last chance before becoming like Golos which is experiencing its own comeback with a FORK called @golos-classic and it will be on steem engine soon THEN telosP will be added and i will have a steem engine SCOT tribe for it with Nitrous front end for regarding users who post about TELOSp :)

Also check my Telos Worker Proposal which is getting 2000+ Telos to buy Steem and give steemians telos with, and promote telos on steem and allow steem to learn from steem governance and allow telos to learn steems social media system!