
Adidas Connects NFT's with Exclusive Hype Clothing Drops

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2 min read

Just a matter of time before we start seeing more big players enter the NFT world looking to connect with their audience. Adidas is now making it's splash in the space.


Global Clothing Brands Enter NFT Space

Not surprising as I recently worked on an NFT project doing this same thing a few months ago. Utilizing NFT's to provide exclusive access to hype brand merch is going to be a natural fit.

Collectors world wide go crazy for exclusive clothes, not only collectors but those with big wallets looking to acquire limited edition appeal.

While I'm not 100% sure this will fit well with Adidas image it's surly a use case that's going to have it's day. Adidas is essentially creative an exclusive club, access comes with ownership of an NFT, what I believe will be a very expensive and exclusive NFT.

Is It a Club, Merch, an NFT, All of the Above!

Utilizing an NFT as entry to an exclusive club provides the brand the ability to add value not previously possible, at least not on a global scale.

Make no mistake this is a very exclusive club being created. This group will be heavily studied and catered to while providing the brand opportunities to generate new revenue models previously not available.

Using NFT's to bridge brand and community will go a long ways in helping adidas connect with and grow their audience.

Sale Starts Dec 17th

The NFTs will sell for 0.2 ETH, or about $800 USD, starting December 17th through Adidas’ website. Adidas declined to share how many NFTs would be sold, citing “security protocols,” and declined to say whether the company would receive royalties on NFT resales.

So not a whole lot is known about these NFT's other than they'll cost about $800 a piece. What would be really nice to know is the total supply. Are we talking 5k, 10k, 20k.

At 800 each I will assume Adidas is going for a raise in the area of 20-30 Million. At a market cap of $25M that would put supply at around 30,000 NFT's but my guess is as good as yours, or worse.

NFT go on sale here tomorrow! Enjoy

Ciao for now,


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