
Cover releases compensation plan: COVER token holders can get new coins, and liquidity providers can get more than 4000 ETH and new coins

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reported  on  December 30 that  the DeFi insurance agreement, hacked on the 28th, released a user compensation plan, claiming that it will count 11,541,218 block heights as snapshots, and compensate different users for the new token and ETH.

the details are as follows:

Users who can get new tokens:

1. COVER / ETH group liquidity provider at Uniswap;

2. COVER / ETH pool liquidity provider at SushiSwap;

3. Provide users with liquidity for the COVER-ETH pool on Balancer

4. All COVER token holders (including those held in wallets and CEX);

5. All users holding YETI tokens;

6. All users holding YPIE tokens;

7. All SAFE2 and SAFE that have not been migrated;

Users who can get ETH:

COVER / ETH pool liquidity providers at Uniswap;

COVER / ETH pool liquidity provider at SushiSwap.

Cover officially shows that the block height 11541218 is used as a snapshot to calculate the percentage of ownership of each user of all COVER / ETH LP tokens in circulation, and 4441.8 ETH is distributed proportionally. The final distribution quota is returned by the developer to dev-multisig The total amount of ETH.

4441.8 ETH used to compensate users came from the attacker who returned the funds. At that time, the attacker used a contract loophole to issue a large number of native tokens, resulting in a total of 40,796,131,214,802,600,000 CLOSERS, and then destroyed several tokens to reduce the circulation to 200,000 CLOSING.

Kemudian, penyerang menjual COVER dalam batch melalui platform DEX seperti SushiSwap dan Uniswap, dan mendapatkan keuntungan sekitar 4.400 ETH. Anehnya, penyerang mengembalikan 4350 ETH ke alamat berlabel Deployer setelah mengubah COVER ke ETH, dan meninggalkan pesan yang mengatakan "Lain kali, urus omong kosongmu sendiri". (Lain kali, jaga barang-barangmu sendiri.)

(Catatan: Kembalinya penyerang ETH hanyalah salah satu dari insiden penutup. Penyerang lainnya membuat token palsu dan menukar lebih dari 11.000 koin COVER nyata di Balancer melalui operasi multi-langkah untuk mencapai arbitrase)

It is worth noting that, according to the official statement, this event is mainly due to the Blacksmith drainage hole shield mining contract, the Core product Closing Protocol is not affected, only the mining contract and the COVER token impact, the team is still planning for next year's Q1 v2 release version.

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