
Do you really want to be your business owner? Get ready for responsibilities

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2 min read

I was speaking to a friend yesterday and we talked about the way motivational speakers encourage people to just quit their jobs and start their own business in their statement:

Quit your job and start your own business, you can do it people have been successful in this part before so just get out of that job now and begin to walk on your path to greatness.


Is it really true that the only way that leads to greatness is through becoming an entrepreneur? Definitely No, my close friend does not have the nerve to start his own business he is more of an investor than an entrepreneur but does that make him less of a man? Definitely NO, the way we are all wired is different, we can choose between either starting our business, investing or just out rightly choosing to work for someone. It is not a bad idea to be an employee, if we all become entrepreneurs who then are we going to employ?

Just discover yourself, know what is good for you and avoid been pushed around by a motivational speaker who asks you to quit your job immediately when you do not even know where the next meal will be coming from, below are the responsibilities you have to prepare for before you begin your journey to the world of entrepreneurs.

You have to learn about accounting.

Even if you were not too good with calculations when you were in school, you just have to pay the sacrifice of getting knowledge about it now that you are now a business owner. You will need to be able to calculate expenses and be sure that it is not more than the profit made. Even if you decide to hire an accountant, you still need to keep your eyes down and understand the financial calculations very well.

You have the responsibility to hire and fire.

The responsibility of hiring and firing becomes the responsibility of the CEO except the business has grown into branches and there are different managers for different places, but not withstanding you will still need to do lots of supervision.

There is always work to do.

As an employee, you have different task assigned to different people in the organization and once you are done with your own side of the task, you are good for the day but as an entrepreneur, every responsibility sits on your shoulder and you just have to look for a way to sort everything out.

You are the biggest marketer for your company.

Marketing is one of the biggest problem of an entrepreneur, it is a task and a different department entirely which one should employ someone to but as a small business owner you might not have much cash flying around and you just want to fill the position yourself.