
LeoFinance Post rewards vs Comment rewards , which you should concentrate on to earn more LEO?

avatar of @amr008
4 min read

Good evening to everyone , I hope you all are doing great . I hadn't been that active lately on Hive , I apologize for that .

Today I have something interesting to share with you all , we all know engagement has been on raise here on LeoFinance and many users including @taskmaster4450le have been promoting engagement .

Today let us see some stats related to Posts and Comment rewards .

April month data

Note: Well I could have taken any data for this matter but I took the author rewards earned during the month of April for calculating this .

Number of comments which earned author rewards - 22907

Number of posts which earned author rewards - 12144

Number of unique users who earned "Post" author rewards - 1670

Number of unique users who earned "Comment" author rewards - 1758

Total LEO earned through "Post" author rewards - 43311.344 LEO

Total LEO earned through "Comment" author rewards - 3761.657 LEO

Average post earnings = 3.566 LEO

Average comment earnings = 0.164 LEO

Now don't jump into a conclusion that posts are better than comments , just hang on till you read the complete post .

Date-wise LEO "Post" author rewards

Date-wise LEO "Comment" author rewards

Which is better ? Posting or Commenting with respect to earning LEO ?

Well we can view this from various angles , although the posts average and comment average is already posted , these are the averages for only those posts and comments which got the author rewards , what about those posts and comments which didn't receive any rewards ?

Total posts made during the period March 25th - April 24th ( because then only the author rewards will match to April 1st to April 30th ) = 13814 posts

Total comments made during the period March 25th - April 24th = 70915 comments

How many posts got author rewards ?

This means that 9 out of 10 posts got author rewards .

How many comments got author rewards ?

Now let's calculate average by taking all posts and comments made and not just those which got author rewards .

What does this mean ?

This means that if you author a post , you will get 3.135 LEO on an average .

If you post a comment , you will get 0.053 LEO per comment on an average .

In other words , you may post 3 comments and they might not get upvoted at all and then you might get a 1 LEO upvote but in the long run each of your comment is worth 0.053 LEO . Each and every one of them .

So looking at average and overall rewards posting is better ? No hang on .

Although the rewards as well as average earnings is bigger for posting you are forgetting one important thing , the effort and time .

The effort and time that we put into posts and comments are totally different .

Posting requires lot of research , going through many topics before you decide to make a particular posts , challenges like writers block etc.

Commenting requires effort too but not as much as posting , you read the post and you comment on it , maybe sometimes you comment two - three times on the same post because the author replies to you . So read once and reply many times .

I asked a few users on @leomarkettalk thread , how much time on an average they take to post and how much time on an average they take to comment . The answer was very dispersed , some said 1-2 hours and some said 6-7 hours from idea generation to clicking submit button, I took note of all response and calculated the average .

This is the average I got , this is for very few people so the average might change when we consider all users .

Average time for posts = 150 minutes ( 2 and half hours )

Average time for comments = 2.5 minutes .

Now I calculated how many minutes has been spent on all posts and also how many minutes has been spent on all comments and calculated the LEO earning per minute effort put .

In other words , what is the LEO earning rate for 1 minute of effort put into creating posts and comments ?

For posts - for 1 minute of efforts you will earn 0.020 LEO .
For comments - for 1 minute of efforts you will earn 0.021 LEO .

That's right , if you calculate minute wise efforts vs rewards , you will earn more from comments than posts on LeoFinance as of now .

If you want to know the average for 200 minutes and 2 minutes comments ? Let me know in the comments , I will calculate for that . Also if you want to know how much you earned for comments and how much you earned for posts , let me know in the comment section I will get it for you .

Also let me know if you would like to know these stats for any other tribe . I will post it some other day . This took a lot of time , I will appreciate reblogs :) Thank you .

I hope you found this post interesting :) Take care , will be back with more stats soon .

Regards , MR.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta