
Politicians Steal? You Don’t Say??

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3 min read

Human nature is what it is. There is no getting around it. Some people on this planet like to steal. Others enjoy enslaving their brethren just for the pure joy of it. While some enjoy using their position of power to exploit their fellow countrymen.

Then rob the place blind. I mean why not? How many lambos and excess women does one man need? Well according to the former president of Afghanistan its never enough. Last time the world checked the guy got away with $165 million.

And just like that the country is thrown into pure chaos. Banks runs ensue since this the calling card of the legacy system. Frankly it brings back flashbacks of the dude hiding in a spider hole. Except this criminal is hiding out in a safe haven.

So now our politicians are going to create a silly panel (which will cost more taxpayer money) to find out what the hell went on. Yet it may already be too late. The money by now is probably washed and clean. And the finger pointing theater will begin enmasse.

Blockchain fixes this. Yet, we are now witnessing in real time why politics and money don’t mix. Especially during times of instability and chaos. Country risk is a dangerous game of cat and mouse.

Many of these political institutions like the IMF always like to choose or recognize a political “figure” in many of these unstable regions. Basically if you don’t play by their rules you get blackballed by the legacy system. Or they will shut down your access to credit. It’s pretty sinister if you think about it.

Yet, trusting one man to lead in a region that is notorious for not changing is ludicrous. It also breeds corruption and ultimately collapses. And of course once the damage is done the politicos flee the sinking ship along with the loot. Then they find a country with zero extradition and get away free.

Yet, the people in the long run get the short end of the stick. Poverty and human suffering ensue since money is the life blood of any economy. And a lack of national stability leads to hyperinflation, shortages, and violence. And yet with all this truth people still continue doing the same thing over again??

So if any politico needs a primer on the benefits of blockchain look no further then Afghanistan. Sadly, the Afghan people’s infrastructure/internet access is sorely lacking. This then adds insult to injury. It also makes me wonder where the $2 trillion war budget went.

Politicians steal. Yes, this is very true. Political favors, job offers, kickbacks, and straight off the books theft. This happens worldwide by the way. Some of these individuals aren’t even trying to hide it anymore.

Sadly, the people continue to go along with the charade. And as long as people continue to accept it for what it is the theft will continue. However, blockchain is designed to fix this ongoing issue; to bring back honesty to money.

And more importantly to decentralize a money system that is corrupt and dangerous. Certain people on this planet cannot be trusted with money. They will steal and when they are done steal some more. Many of them just want to be in positions of power so they can get away with it.

It will be up to the people to choose a better form of money. And also to use a better system that is now available to us all. We now have the power to vote with our blockchain wallets. And these wallets can’t be rigged or censored.

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