
Opening 200 More Packs Of Chaos! You Won't Believe What's Inside!

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This might be one of the best chistmas eve presents ever! Opening up another 200 packs of Chaos. It for sure seems like the value of these packs have gone down but that's understanable being that there are still millions of packs that will be avilable soon at $4 each! We won't see prices on these climb in terms of packs or card values till they are sold out. That being said each pack opened today was valued at roughly $9.90 per pack. Which is down from the last time we opened up 200 packs. I did land one legendary gold that I know of maybe another it's hard to keep track of when doing a mass opening like this lol I should have pulled the number before and compared it after.

Overall this pack opening was a success. Later today and this week I'm going to start combining them and see where I stand in terms of maxing out a chaos deck. This has been a total of 400 packs opened so far. I still have 540 more packs I can open with about 42 vouchers per day being unlocked. I'll most likely hold on to these vouchers as they seem low right now but I don't want them to become worthless either so I'm debaiting on using them all now or selling them thoughts?

The other thing I'm wondering is when land rolls our will having a high level gold foil produce more then a non gold foil? Does anyone any any details on that yet?

I consider these cards and any play 2 earn game as an investment. I believe these will pay off over time not only from card value but from the other things they mine and produce as the game continues to grow and evolve.

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