
Bitkenstan_80 - On the test.

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2 min read

A story about bitcoin, crypto, blockchain, and life.

Bitkenstan has a running story line.
Earlier episodes can be viewed on the Hive blockchain at

Captain Crypto: School time. Today's lesson...Bitcoin 101. Mr. Dumas: (raises hand) Captain Crypto: Yes, Dumas? Mr. Dumas: Will there be a test on this? Captain Crypto: No. Dr. Haufenmist: (raises hand) Captain Crypto: Yes, Haufenmist? Dr. Haufenmist: Can I go to sleep then? Captain Crypto: No. And change of plans. There WILL be a test. General Kellimahl: (raises hand) Captain Crypto: Yes, Kellimahl? Gen. Kellimahl: Since there's a test, can I have a pencil for notes?" Captain Crypto: Listen now. Notes later. So, to begin...Bitcoin started in 2008 or '09... Dr. Haufenmist: (raises hand) Captain Crypto: Yes, Haufenmist? Dr. Haufenmist: Which year was it? Captain Crypto: Well, I'm about to explain. Gen. Kellimahl: (raises hand) Captain Crypto: Yes, Kellimahl? Gen. Kellimahl: How can it have two start years? Captain Crypto: Well, I'm about to explain. Mr. Dumas: (raises hand) Captain Crypto: Yes, Dumas? Mr. Dumas: Which is the answer on the test? Captain Crypto: So, in October 2008 the Bitcoin whitepaper... Dr. Haufenmist: (raises hand) Captain Crypto: Yes? Dr. Haufenmist: Why's it gotta be white? Is it racist? Captain Crypto: No. Of course not. Bitcoin is for everyone. It's fair for all. Gen. Kellimahl: It coulda ben a blackpaper. Mr. Dumas: But then you'd need white ink. Dr. Haufenmist: Nuh-uh. How about light gray ink? Mr. Dumas: Who's ever hear of light gray ink? Gen. Kellimahl: The same folks who make white ink. Captain Crypto: Okay. Next person who asks a question gets kicked out! Do you understand? The Man: You just asked a question. Are you gonna kick yourself out? Captain Crypto: (walks off)

Creator: God bless our teachers.

Originally posted May 12, 2020 at

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Bitkenstan is the webcomic that became the world's first NFTcomic on bitcoin, cryptocurrency, blockchain, and life.

It began with @bitkenstan on Twitter and is now upgrading over to the Hive blockchain. ([join Hive]( Visit [@bitkenstan on Twitter](, @bitkenstan on Hive at, or learn more and see the playlist at [](