
Added 5 new legendary cards and some horrible trade decisions.

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3 min read

I went on a little bit of an impulsive shopping spree. The allure of legendary cards has always had their control over me.

Are legendary reward cards worth it?

The most expensive among these purchases was the Djinn Oshannus. I battled my way to get the cheapest sell at $44. I was let down many times as most of my purchases failed. And in the end, I somehow bought 2 instead of the original intention of 1.

Is that bad?

Not at all. I am already sitting on 6 beta and promo LEGENDARY reward cards. One of them is already giving me a Net Profit Margin: 95.56% and a Profit Percentage: 2,153.85%. You could argue that the value is inflated since beta cards will not be minted anymore, and hence harder to match demands.

I am very near to acquiring a $10k total value on my collection. 2 years back my entire collection was worth a measly $200-$300.

5-10 years down the line, when the other classes are halted, it is safe to assume my new legendary cards could easily be 30x to 70x.

Why the Chicken?

One of the things that makes Splinterlands collections so unique is the ever-changing evolution of the game. Each card, Common or Legendary, has its value revised depending on the game state.

The 0 mana REWARD card cost me $37. A card that costs no mana and basically does nothing is worth $37?

This is how much the game values the card. If there isn't a newer card that can match or exceed the Chicken's unique role in the game, then this card's value will only soar with time.

Bad Trading Decisions:

The last time I traded cards was 3 years ago. Only 2 years ago I bought 1 single card and then quit the game for a long time. I have since forgotten my strats, goals, and trading techniques.

The most fatal trading mistake I did was not factor in different pack classes and abundance. This is where the once upon a time worthless reward card, Prismatic Energy, comes in.
I sold 7 Prisms at $30.500 with a net profit of around Net Profit Margin Of 99.93% but at current prices, I could have made a Net Profit Margin of 99.95%. The Profit Percentage? 204,900.00% considering the acquiring price of $0.02 and the current sell price of $41.

The factors I forgot, abundance and pack classes, are the most important. No more Prismatic Energy cards will ever be printed. There won't be enough for new players. This card is officially gone. Which only means that the card's value will keep soaring. May it be because of its attributions or as a collector's piece.

If only at the moment would have I realized what a foolish move it was to sell those. I could have easily made a huge bag of what was once a 2 cents card.

The fact is, staying away from the game was a bad choice that impacted my final decisions. I did not also take my time to learn what was new and what has changed. I didn't know the rental market existed. Nor did I know it would be much wiser to hoard.

Current rent rates:

Harklaw: yROA-B: 75.03%, 3.913 DEC/day Djinn Oshannus: yROA-B: 135.83%, 14.849 DEC/day Djinn Biljka: yROA-B: 60.17%, 2.969 DEC/day Lensmaster: yROA-B: 38.99 %, 7.000 DEC/day

I am still very new to the rental market. To find a good renting strategy, I have to take a few days to understand how the market values each card. Do you have any tips?

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