
A Rant on @Arcange's and @HiveBuzz's "Level" Requirements

avatar of @branbello
2 min read

As many of you know, there are classifications (levels) that Hive users are put into based on the number of vests a user has. Click here for @HiveBuzz's rundown and post on this. It's well worth the read.

The classifications are listed in the aforementioned post and can be found in this image that @arcange and @HiveBuzz have both shared previously.

Can we please get a discussion going on the naming conventions within the Hive community?

As someone with a background in marine science, these rankings make near-zero sense to be used on Hive and make even less sense when you consider the actual species involved in this ranking system which is what I'm going to focus on. I can go into depth if need be, but I am just going to be short and simple for now.

"Red Fish" are larger than minnows. The term "minnows" commonly refers to small species of fresh water fish and is used less often in a salt water environment. "True" minnows are actually small freshwater carp; not even close to being relevant to the other 4 members of the ranking system we use.
Red Fish is most commonly used as another name for the Red Drum, a saltwater species. Red Fish can reach >50 inches (127cm) which is MUCH larger than a minnow.

The next three do not make much sense. They are all mammals while the previous two are fish. It is true that orcas are larger than dolphins. Orcas are actually the largest species of dolphin. Dolphins are a subspecies of whale (cetaceans). So, we have three rankings of whale. Yes, I am aware that "Whales" are what people with large influence on the price of a coin by holding a lot of a specific crypto are commonly referred to. I get why it is the highest ranking on here; however, Hive rankings need to change.

If we are to keep the current ranking system, I suggest, at bare-minimum, that we switch minnows and red fish and make the rankings: Minnow, Red Fish, Dolphin, Orca, Whale. If we are to keep a marine ranking system, I propose either:
(a) Goby, Flounder, Red Fish, Marlin, Whale Shark; (b) Otter, Sea Lion, Manatee, Elephant Seal, Blue Whale. (c) Otter, Sea Lion, Manatee, Seal, Whale These are based on size of the species relative to each other.

If we change the ranking system to match the blockchain, then I propose: Sweat Bee, Honey Bee, Yellow Jacket, Giant Resin Bee, Asian Giant Hornet. These are based on size of the species relative to each other.

This is a rough suggestion, I'm sure we can come up with a better names as a community. I don't think that Hymenoptera names are not nearly as catchy as the marine names, but they all would fall in the category of Hive-dwelling... just like all of us ;)

I'm sure the current naming convention doesn't bother a lot of people, but it should still be Hive-oriented, should it not?

Note: I know that sea lions and seals are both pinnipeds, it just makes the most sense if we are to use marine mammals (in my opinion) as they are still quite different from one another.

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