
What Is Wrong With The Gaming Industry?

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3 min read

It really puzzles me that the gaming industry hasn't embraced the possibilities of blockchain and NFTs. I'm not talking about just creating blockchain games but instead of incorporating crypto into an existing game or franchise.

In this article, I'm taking a look at how beneficial it would be for both the company and the gamers. I'm going to use Supercell's Clash of Clans as an example because I've been playing it for almost a decade now!

The Game

This mobile game was released on iOS in 2012 and on Android in 2013 which makes it only 3 years younger than Bitcoin! As a player, your mission is to build a village, protect it from other players and destroy their villages.

I've never put any money in the game but still managed to max out everything. Just played. A lot. Maybe we can call this way of playing the play2play format. Although I really respect that Supercell is allowing for non-paying players to compete even on the highest levels, at the same time I think they are missing an opportunity here.

There are a lot of players like me who just spend their time for years and years and are now at the top of their game. They start to lose interest in the game, quit, and come back whenever there is a new update. Still not paying for anything. It's a big mass of potential customers that Supercell is losing.

The Company

With Splinterlands and Rising Star, I've bought packs and cards to help me advance in the game. I also bought them because I consider them investments. I own them. If for the most unlikely scenario I would lose my interest in these games I would sell them and take my money and adventure elsewhere.

Now, what about Clash of Clans? On the day I decide that it's time to say goodbye to my village, I'm gonna leave with nothing. The villagers and heroes are all left in the darkness of some cloud service while they could have been NFTs and move to a new, much happier village.

So why the hell Supercell won't implement crypto/NFTs into the game? Wouldn't it be beneficial also for them? They would mint NFTs(skins), players would buy and sell and the company would take their cut of the transactions fees. Another stream of revenue for the company.

Furthermore, from Supercell's point of view crypto would be a great way to activate that freeriding mass of players(me included) financially and capitalize on that.

Why Not?

I am not tech-savvy enough to consider how hard or expensive this would be. I'd like to hear some arguments though. Now I'm just left with my no-coiner gamer friends saying that "yeah, but it's just for entertainment, just for fun." No! Fun is when I'm having fun getting paid for it.

If one big gaming company would implement crypto into their game it would perhaps revolutionize the whole industry. Other companies would notice how it expands the lifeline of existing franchises. Loyal gamers would be paid for their loyalty and to stay loyal.

What would all this mean to crypto? With the gaming industry being as huge as it is, this would probably be a giant leap toward mass adaptation. I'm thinking and thinking but I cannot figure out who'd be the loser here?

Final Thoughts

When I was young I used to play the PC game UFO: Enemy Unknown. Spend some summer nights and days with it. If blockchain tech would have existed back then, and they've made NFTs but the graphics would have been as crappy as they used to be, it would now be so cool to own a UFO NFT made with that poor VGA resolution!

Imagine a kid growing up playing Clash of Clans and owning few NFTs. Now the kid grows up and other things in life will replace his favorite game. After 60 years he still holds one NFT on the blockchain. It would then be like owning the first Spider-Man issue nowadays!

Now wouldn't that NFT have some value? In more than one sense?


Any thoughts? Leave a comment. And thank you for reading!

Thmubnail image: Vinson Tan, Pixabay made with Canva

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