
On self and finance #3: Ripping Open The Money Matrix

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3 min read

Money rule number 1

Money creates more money. That's the name of the game of money.

Not all forms of money though. With today's rates, saving fiat is a losing game, because inflation eats the purchasing power away.

Inflation is made to be the devil, but it really ties in to the properties of fiat currency. If you hold fiat and the supply expands, you don't get that extra fiat proportionally dropped to your bank account like you do if you hold Hive Power, for example. Inflation wouldn't be a problem if everyone had other forms of assets of which value increases in fiat terms. Most people don't though, so you could say that the social structure also enables some of the negatives caused by inflation.

You need assets. Irony is, we live in a capitalistic society, yet only few people actually utilize capital to create more wealth. But it's no wonder that not all people hold assets, because the legacy system favors those with big capital already who have their foot between the door, "accredited investor" and such.

Crypto evens the game though, because now the barrier to investing in wealth generating assets is minimal. Hive taking this idea to the extreme: you only need your time and brain to invest to get hold on some assets that can generate more. Of course, now there are all kinds of defi options, too.

For most people the only form of money is currency which is meant to be earned by working and spent on stuff. Most people don't care to learn the game of money, I don't blame them, there's much more to life than money. The catch is though, that if you can figure the game of money and generate passive (or semi-passive) income, then you'll have more freedom to focus on something else than earning money.

If you go by life on default, without realizing how to play the game of money, you'll need to work for all adult life to pay the bills. For myself, I don't want to be in a situation where I'm forced to work because I'm in need of money. I want to work, because I choose, not because I'm forced. Not looking crypto as a way of not working, I'm not that naive anymore, but more like a safety platform that brings flexibility for my finances.

If you find something that is rewarding in itself that you want to work on it forever, given it provides economic value, then you don't need to figure out the game of money. This would be the ideal place to be, however, the market might not think every kind of activity has economic value even if an individual experiences it rewarding. Also if I think from my own perspective, the system didn't exactly encourage to find my own way. I feel like the advice given to us, comes from a place of fear. "Study this, so you don't fall without a job." And of course, choosing a path that brings food to the table is a necessary.

I guess I really just dislike that the default advice is towards safety, instead of "do what you think is right, figure it out, you'll find something on the process". For myself, I needed empty space to figure something out, not an outside structure like school. High school provided at least some freedom, because at least you had more options to design a curriculum you like, and there were some fun creative courses, like making a short movie in a day. Although, that freedom was smothered by my tutor who convinced me to continue long syllabus in math despite hating most of it. After that I never did what somebody else suggested. I still don't remember shit that was taught about logarithms. I know that when looking charts in logarithmic scale, trends are much more observable. School didn't teach me that, Bitcoin did.

But yeah, I guess my short adult life has been a process of claiming the ownership of my own life. It's definitely been a hard process, because most of my life I've just gone with default and easy options. The learning curve is hard when all your life you've ridden with training wheels. Still a long way before I don't fall constantly. Business is profitable though, now I just need to keep at it on a monthly basis so that I can cover fiat expenses. Though it's incredible how much slacking and unfocused straying I've been getting away with, and still turning profit. If I improved my focus just a bit, who knows what I could do – that's where I'm at now, but maybe more on that later.