
Alpha Lion Mentality.- To get Success

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9 min read

If we observe in the jungle there is an animal that has been characterized as the King of the jungle, but we have not asked this because? because of its size? for its speed? for his intelligence? or the strongest of all animals, if to be the biggest it would be the elephant, the fastest the leopard, but then why is he the King?

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The Lion earned that place for not being afraid, he sees an animal, no matter its size, he sees a prey, while the tallest sees the lion, he sees fear, fear. The lion's mentality is different from the vast majority of animals, since he uses strategy to hunt his prey, regardless of its size or strength, which is why we must be like the Lion, a deicidal mentality without fear of anything, nor to what they will say, nor to failure, a spirit that fights that is always focused on your goal, who would not want to be like Leon.

But to become like a Lion, he must fight for that place in the pack, when the Lion reaches puberty he must mark his respect with the alpha Lion of the pack, there are some who cannot win that battle, they take him out of the pack, He can die in his solitude, others continue with the objective of strengthening himself to be able to fight for his position again, he does not get caught up in failure, he only has the mentality of fighting for a place of being respected. In my previous post I told you about how the eagle fights in the dark, through pain, to rise again from the ashes, this time I'm talking about Leon, who is a respected animal, dreamed of by many to become like a Lion .

But to get here you shouldn't wait for someone else to come help you, or to say what you have to do, or for your parents to solve your life, or to complain about your parents not giving you a guaranteed future, I know you've read the one about Bill Gates where says that: "Being poor is not your fault, but dying poor is" because at the moment of your birth you had no participation, but arriving at your death bed that you did nothing to make a change in your life if it is your guilt, because you can change your objective, your life, you can transform it, it is not necessary to have great intelligence, or luck, you just have to have a fearless mentality, a mentality focused on objectives, that will make you get ahead.

You should not wait for someone to discover your talents either, it is you who must show it to the world, if you want to be a Lion you must leave your comfort zone, always go further, without fear of the one who opens, what will you achieve, what will you lose comfort that you think you have but if you don't fight, you must want to aspire more than to be alive, reaching your goals is when you will obtain success in life, you must be persistent, so failure and sacrifice come into your life, do not get carried away because The others enjoy the weekends, which publishes a happiness that the vast majority are not real, because they may have for the happiness of a weekend, but look further, but what happens with the life of that person in their life daily, how is your food? his work? your days? Is happiness? Sometimes we don't observe that, but rather we see happiness, that every weekend they go to drink and enjoy themselves with friends who are with him, because he provides them.

I know that life is not fair, that just thinking about going down those unsafe paths scares you, sometimes if you try you can lose, because if you go out and don't fight, you stay waiting, that's when you will actually be lost, because if you stay waiting for you to die, because the one who managed to position himself, find his objective was because he dared, in history that if we discover of any famous, or rich or even inventor, many come without being privileged in life, they come with lack, with some problem in which they fought for their objectives, they fought for their objectives, they made an effort in their circumstance, they always had in their mind to find their objective, despite everything that was happening.

If you want to have a Leon mentality, you must stop saying, thinking that life is hard, because even if it is, but if you focus only on that it will not make it softer, sometimes life will be cruel , but your only mentality that you should focus on is to achieve your goal, it is to get up off the ground, shake yourself without caring what you say or think about yourself, keep moving forward, set the goals that will lead you to achieve your goals, even if you fall over and over again Nothing should stop you in life, there are mistakes that we can make, but don't lock yourself in those mistakes, take advantage of it, look at why you failed so that you don't continue doing it, you learn from your difficulties, every day life is learning, it depends on us whether to accept it and move forward, or shut down and stay on the ground.

So you take the tools that life gave you, be they many or few, use them in your favor because the passage through this world is short, so stop wasting time looking for blame, inventing excuses, you can use that time you waste doing that to find rar your extraordinary life, which you deserve because it only depends on you. If you want to be successful, you must leave some things that you like but your time is not productive, such as spending long hours on social networks that are not productive, watching television, changing it for things that you may not like but will make your future be better, like reading, training, eating healthy, learning about finances because it's not just having money knowing how to earn it, it's knowing how to keep it and make it grow.

So now you know if you want to be a lion you must have a focused mentality, persistent to know that you are going to work hard, that today you will eat the green ones, but tomorrow they will be the ripe one, you must face life without complaints, because you complain what they do to you it is wasting time and absorbing your energy that can continue to be used to fight, it must be focused that motivates you every day to do everything you do to achieve it, without any lack of motivation, live to become what you want in that Alpha Lion

Si observamos en la selva existe un animal que se ha caracterizado por ser el Rey de la selva, pero no hemos preguntado esto debido a que? por su tamaño? por su rapidez? por su intelegencia? o el mas fuerte de todos los animales, si para ser el mas grande seria el elefante, el mas rapido el leopardo, pero entonces porque es el Rey?

El Leon se gano ese lugar por no tener miedo, el ve un animal, no importa su tamaño el observa una presa, mientras que el mas alto ve al leon observa el miedo el temor. La mentalida de leon es diferente a la gran mayoria de los animales, ya que el usa la estrategia para cazar a su presa, sin importarle su tamaño o fuerza, es por ello que debemos ser como el Leon una mentalidad deicida sin miedo a nada, ni al que diran, ni al fracaso, un espiritu que luche que siempre este enfoncado en tu objetivo, quien no querria ser como Leon.

Pero para llegar hacer como un Leon debe luchar por ese lugar en la manada, cuando el Leon llega a la pubertad el debe marcar su respeto con el Leon alfa de la manada, existe algunos que no pueden ganar esa batalla lo sacan de la manada, puede llegar a morir en su soledad, otros continuan con el objetivo de fortalecese poder volver a luchar su puesto, no se enfrasca en el fracaso, solo tiene la mentalidad de luchar por un lugar de ser respetado. En mi post anterior te hable sobre como el aguila lucha en la oscuridad, por medio de dolor, para volver resurgir de la ceniza, en esta oportunidad te hablo de Leon, que es un animal respetado, soñado por muchos al llegar ser como un Leon.

Pero para llegar aqui no debe esperar que otro venga ayudarte, o a decir que tiene que hacer, o que tu padres te solucione la vida, o quejarte por tu padres no te dieron un futuro asegurado, se que ha leido la de Bill Gates en donde dice que: "Nacer pobre no es tu culpa, pero morir pobre si lo es" porque al momento de tu nacimiento no tuviste ninguna participación, pero llegar al lecho de tu muerte que no realizaste nada para hacer un cambio en tu vida si es tu culpa, porque tu puedes cambiar tu objetivo, tu vida, tu puedes tranformarla, no es necesario tener una gran intelegncia, o una suerte, solo debe tener una mentalidad sin miedo, una mentalidad enfocada en objetivos,que te hagan salir adelante.

Tampoco debe esperar que llegue alguien a descubrir tus talentos, eres tu quien debe demostrarlo al mundo, si quieres ser un Leon debe salir de tu zona de confort siempre ir mas alla, sin el miedo al que abra, que conseguiras, que perderas la comodidad que tu crees que tiene pero si no luchas, debe desear ambicionar mas de que estar vivo, llegar a cumplir tus objetivos es cuando obtendras el exiti en la vida, debe ser persisntente asi llega a tu vida fracaso y sacrificio, no te deje llevar porque los demas disfruta de los fines de semana, que publica una felicidad que la gran mayoria no son reales, porque podran tener para la felicidad de un fin de semana, pero observa mas alla, sino que sucede con la vida de esa persona en su vida diaria, como es su aimentanción? su trabajo? sus dias? es felicidad? a veces no observamos eso si no que vemos la felicidad, que cada fin de semana, se van a beber a disfrutar con amigos que estan junto a el, porque los brinda.

Se que la vida no es justa, que el solo el hecho de pensar ir por esos caminos inseguros asusta, a veces que si lo intentas puede perder, porque si sales y no luchas te quedas esperando es cuando realidad estaras perdido, porque si te quedas esperando moriras, porque aquel que logro posicionarse, encontrar su objetivo fue porque se atrevio, en la historia que si descubrimos de cualquier famoso, o rico o hasta inventor, mucho vienen sin ser priveligiado en la vida, vienen con carencia, con algun problema en lo cual lucharon por sus objetivos, lucho por sus objetivos, se esforzo en su circunstancia, tuvo siempre en su mente encontrar su objetivo, a pesar de todo lo que estaba sucediendo.

Si tu quieres tener una mentalidad de Leon, debe de parar de decir, de pensar que la vida es dura, porque aunque asi lo sea, pero si te enfonca solo en eso no hara que se vuelva mas blanda, a veces la vida sera cruel, pero tu unica mentalidad qu debe centrarte es conseguir su objetivo, es levantarte del suelo, sacudirte sin importarte lo que diga o pienses lo demas de ti, seguir avanzando ponte la metas que te lleven a conseguir tus objetivos, asi caiga una y otras vez nada te debe parar en la vida hay errores que podemos cometer, pero no te encierres en eso errores, sacale provecho observas porque fallaste para que no continue haciendolo, aprendes de tus dificutades, cada dia la vida es un aprendizaje depende de nostros si aceptarlo y avanzar, o cerrarnos y quedarnos en el suelo.

Asi que tomas las herramientas que la vida te dio, sean muchas o pocas, usalas a tu favor porque el paso por este mundo es corto, asi que deja de perder el tiempo buscando culpables, inventando excusas, ese tiempo que piedes haciendo eso puee usarlo para encontrar tu vida extraordinaria, que mereces porque solo depende de ti. si quiere llegar tener exito debe dejar algunas cosas que te gusta pero tu tiempo no es productivo, como por ejemplo pasar largas horas en redes sociales que no son productiva, en ver television,cambiarla por cosas que talvez no te gusten pero harazn que tu futuro sea mejor, como leer, entrenar, comer saludable, aprender de finanzas porque no es solo tener el dinero saber ganarlo es saber como mantenerlo y hacerlo crecer.

Entonces ya sabes si quieres ser un leon debe tener una mentalidad enfocada, persistente de saber que vas a trabajar duro, que hoy te comeras la verdes, pero mañana seran la madura, debe enfrentar la vida sin quejas, porque la quejas lo que te hacen es perder el tiempo y el absorver tu energia que la puede seguir utilizando para luchar, debe estar enfoncado que te motive cada dia hacer todos lo que hace por conseguirlo, sin ninguna desmotivacion, vivir para convertirte en lo que desea en ese Leon Alfa

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