
Hive Price Broke Up Steem Price Resistance

avatar of @chorock
1 min read

I shared a post about Hive/Steem Price Pair is Under Consolidation and said that Hive price was ready to go up.

And It happened. Hive broke up the resistance in Hive/Steem pair. There is amazing symmetrical triangle on this pair.

Steem price is around 0.17 USD where is the historical bottom level. So, It was the greatest signal for Hive price up and Hive pumped from 0.3x to 0.7x USD!

Hive price future is bright. Even we are in bearish season Hive has great potential. Hive/Steem pair target is 6. So we may see 1 Hive equal to 6 Steem?

There is amazing bullish symmetrical triangle on this pair and Steem price may be on the bottom.

If 1 Hive is equal to 6 Steem, Hive price may reach at least 1 USD! The great bottom of Steem price around 0.17 USD. So?

Lots of people dont look this pair. But there is amazing pattern. I was certain that Hive Price should go up thanks to this chart.

Fisher Indicator is also reversing. Road to target!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta