
The fair thing to do. Chaos Pack Selling

avatar of @christislord
2 min read

I think the fact that we can no longer use SPS or DEC to buy packs during "General Sale" is a huge unfair inconvenience. What is the in game currency? DEC. Why can't we use in game currency to buy in game assets? Are you concerned the servers are going to crash from the sudden surge in transactions? Why not have a purchase limit of packs an account can buy in a day? I think a daily purchase limit would be the fair thing to do. I understand people can make as many accounts as they want but the spell book sales sure would spike if people needed more accounts to get more packs per day. Many people acquired DEC for the sole purpose of being ready for pack sales, now its value is lower and we have to sell it. I think you guys knew this sooner and i feel it was unfair to withhold this information from us until 3 days ago. I am disappointed in the team for causing this sell off of the DEC token, its coming out of my pocket now. Please help me to understand this ridiculous change.

I would like to add one thing here. I do not want to sell you DEV's short on your hard work and dedication. I understand its a lot of work and there will always be room for improvement no matter how good something gets. I do not criticize without productiveness in mind, I am passionate about this and I care. I think you guys are doing a great job! I just had this one complaint and maybe I am a little to overzealous or brutally honest, maybe I am misunderstanding the facts and maybe I have inflated my concerns further than they really are. My overall opinion is very positive and I am all in, keep up the good work. Just please preserve the time it takes for these cards to sell so that it is fair for others to get a piece of the pie. Thank You. @Splinterlands

I got an answer in another post so I am amending it here. I just needed to understand that this is all a mitigation of discrepancies that are otherwise unavoidable. If it were not for the discrepancies the team would gladly allow the purchase of packs using DEC or SPS. Thank You @yabapmatt for clearing this up for me. Sorry for jumping to conclusions.