
avatar of @clicmaster
3 min read

I think you are not very tolerant of criticism that is what happens maybe your young age has to do with that, you must mature in that sense because not everyone will always think the same as you and you cannot confuse an opinion with an attack, better check what What I wrote and tell me at what point I have offended you and if so, apologies, but I reiterate you must mature in that sense, opinions different from what "You think is correct are not always bad or offensive" this world has evolved because we have opinions and tastes different, can you imagine how boring a world with the same thoughts and actions would be? As for the challenge, I do not think it is a good idea to underestimate, sometimes what goes up has to come down and I am not saying that is your case but I notice something of a certain air of greatness for a small boy who has very intelligently known how to surf on the community, do not let an absurd ego cloud your vision and your goals, I invite you to be more tolerant of comments that do not agree with what you say, since you are contradicting what in some of your videos you talk about free expression, Of the rest I will continue saying my point of view even though now I can and have a "RED Beta" on your part, in moments I will prove your patience by passing and dropping some articles here, and I must assume that any negative vote on your part will have to see with the lack of tolerance or immaturity, the rest I wish you success and see you on the podium!


creo que eres poco tolerante a las criticas eso es lo que sucede quizas tu corta edad tiene que ver en eso, debes madurar en ese sentido porque no todos siempre pensaran igual a ti y no puedes confundir una opinion con un ataca, mejor revisa bien lo que escribi y comentame en que punto te he ofendido y si es asi disculpas, pero reitero debes madurar en ese sentido, las opiniones diferentes a lo que "Tu creas correcto no siempre son malas u ofensas" este mundo ha evolucionado porque tenemos opiniones y gustos diferentes, acaso te imaginas lo aburrido que seria un mundo con pensamientos y acciones iguales?
en cuanto a lo del reto no creo que sea buena idea subestimar, a veces lo que sube tiene que bajar y no digo que ese sea tu caso pero noto algo de cierto aire de grandeza para un pequeño chico que muy inteligentemente ha sabido surfear por la comunidad, no dejes que un ego absurdo nuble tu vision y tus objetivos, te invito a que seas mas tolerante a los comentarios que no concuerdan con lo que dices, ya que estas contradiciendo lo que en alguno de tus videos hablas sobre la libre expresion, del resto seguire diciendo mi punto de vista a pesar de que ahora puede y tenga una "Beta ROJA" de tu parte, en momentos provare tu paciencia pasando y soltando algunos articulos por aca, y debo suponer que todo voto negativo de tu parte tendra que ver con la falta de tolerancia o inmadurez, del resto te deseo exitos y nos vemos en el podio!

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