
Be Yourself. Be Unique

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2 min read

Photo - Pexels

Nowadays we see too many people who want to be like someone else. Just think about it for a moment, if your goal is to be like someone else how will you achieve true greatness, which only comes from being unique. If you're a musician, perhaps a rapper, and you sound like Jay-Z, how far do you think you can go?

Not so far, if you ask me. My reason is simple, Jay-Z did not sound like anyone else before him. He came out with a style of rapping and a sound that was unique, and that was exactly what set him apart from the other rappers. When he puts his voice to a song, you know that - yes, this is Jay-Z.

Don't think that it's so different in other aspects of life. If you're an entrepreneur, your primary goal is to do something unique that will create a signature for you in the marketplace. Something like a trademark - this uniqueness will take you places, because hardly will you find another person that will do things exactly like you.

Photo - Pexels

We should learn to embrace our weirdness. Do not let people tell you what you should do. Especially when it doesn't rhyme with your innermost desires for yourself. Dare to be weird, when you're weird, anyone that sees you will see the real you - in all your uniqueness and strangeness.

Always remember that things are priced for their rarity. If you're copying someone else, then whatever you're providing is not unique, it's not rare. As a result, you'll be priced less. But on the other hand, when you maintain your uniqueness, you'll be able to have true customers and followers. People that like you for your uniqueness and weirdness.

You must also learn to present your weirdness in the most beautiful way as you can - people will start to appreciate it. The world is always looking for a thrill, for something to talk about, for a news. When you make yourself that news, when your business idea is unique, that's when you can really make a lasting mark for yourself.

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