
Financial Goals 2021 And The Challenge

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4 min read

source Last year was a year like no other and one that cannot be replicated if I am going to achieve anything substantial. We are still fortunate that we have options as many have lost their jobs and getting back on their feet is their only priority. Our lives have bene placed on hold and we need to be able to make money if that continues again this year. I need to take drastic steps to ensure covid couch earning is more lucrative this year as we have more experience now. Dancing in the grey regions being not so forthright with my earnings will be a have to this year as we are just being screwed constantly and we are losing. The Government never helped me last year when I needed it the most so it works both ways.

source My business survived to fight another day which is a huge plus and will continue to fight on and succeed. Not taking any payments from the business for an entire year has put the pressure on and it is big pressure. My business partner and I believe it is what is going to make the difference as our competitors will not be in such a good space financially. The liquid that is available is our earnings and as tempting as it might be they must remain there. We don't use credit and owe no one any money and it is the only way to work in my opinion.

This year I have some big goals and need to achieve all of them and more so I have clearly targeted the priorities in order for this to happen.

Sell the house

I have an extra house in Durban that is 99% paid off and it makes perfect sense to off load this as soon as the market picks up. This will allow me to use the funds to place a decent deposit down on another property in the UK which will become a rental. The aim is to live in Europe within the next few years so I need to be back on the property ladder sooner rather than later. The local Rand currency is being eroded away slowly so this has to happen this year.


Luckily I have had a policy pay out in the UK in the last few months and this will go towards investing in a few things. Bitcoin is a priority and will be buying a few depending on the price. I am hoping for a dip at some point and my thoughts are I need at least 2 before the year end.

The business firing up on all cylinders would help speed this up and don't mind visiting the BTC ATM regularly. This I see as extra and not included in the Bitcoin total that I am buying with overseas money. Currently 1 Bitcoin would take me 30 deposits over 3 days to avoid being flagged by the tax man so this is not a perfect scenario as it is a 2 hour round trip for me. This is a good use case for moving money out the country when the time comes. I need to buy a Trezor wallet and will look for one this week. Time is ticking and these projects need to start now.

I have had loads of contacts say they will help me and have kind of rallied around me over the past month saying they can use my company for their needs and I am grateful. Amazing how this just happens and it pays to be the nice guy who is willing to help anyone. First time I have reached out and asked in over 25 years and it should amount to something.

The normal

Working day in and day out on Hive and Leo is just part of the daily routine and one I believe is very important to growing ones wealth. We don't see this now being 11 c and 30 c but the time will come when both have substantial value.

Just doing the normal on Hive I will see my account grow to 70 000 as a realistic minimum and who knows that could be more. Accumulative growth is noticed the bigger you become as just the daily interest of over 4 Hive per day adds nearly 1500 for the year.

Leo is somewhat different and will see as I have no clue what good growth is right now and any Leo added daily is a bonus. I am also adding to LBI daily so that does affect the Leo growth as it is diluting it to some extent.


Part of this initiative was to give some pricing forecasts for Leo and Hive for 2021. This is very hard to predict and one which I am not really sure on. There are so many key projects coming out with at least 3 that I know of being DLUX,3Speak and the Leo Lightning DB which will change how outsiders see Hive. I think these prices are super realistic and achievable over the next 12 months.

Leo $2.50 Hive $1.00

I honestly hope for everyone's sake that this economic down turn with lock downs everywhere comes to an end as we all need to get on living again. If it continues then I believe the Leo and Hive prices could increase more than I suggested as the use case of finding an income for many becomes very serious and a reality.

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