
How to detect scams, rug pulls, phishing, and fraud from emails, phone numbers or files in malicious urls! :) Don´t let them steal you!

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2 min read

The Internet... we all agree that it gives us more than it takes away, but as it is accessible to anyone there will be a large percentage of malicious users who seek to perpetrate different attacks, especially on our pockets and our privacy... So when they want to take us to a malicious website, how can we detect it?

We will present these 6 tools to detect phishing or scams:

To begin with, we have the PhishTank website, which is a website where you can check if your URLs are malicious and report them if they are to help the community. site:

1.scamsearch: another tool would be scamsearch, you can report scams or search for scams. we put the url and tell it to search. in the end you have to search several of these pages to see what has been reported, if not in one, in others... you can put websites, emails, btc addresses... site:

2.virustotal: you can detect something malicious in website urls... it is important to check the data of several engines at the same time.

site: tool. Transparency report: google will check your urls site:

4.urlvoid: placing urls will work like the rest, it will allow us to see if there is malicious content in domains, emails, phone numbers... site: placing urls will work like the rest, it will allow us to see if there is malicious content in domains, emails, phone numbers and it is very fast. site: is a threat detection company: you can see malicious files, urls etc site:

So that will be for now. Just try to stay safe out there, if you like it please follow me and upvote for more cool stuff.