
avatar of @da-prince
1 min read

This is actually a great topic and I believed you've had a lot of experience regarding the casualties this cause. We have to learn to keep our plans to ourselves without exposing to people.

Understand what you said and getting to tell you this people minds are evil most times and they put on happy face and pretend to care for your success in life without you knowing your downfall is been planned by who you trusted with you plans.

Let's learn to surprise people with our success stories and not our success plans because when you vent your plans and strategies to the wrong fellow or friend they do what's possible to stand on your was.

Humans are full of envy no matter how hard we may try to hide it envy tends to cross our minds but is better we show it or say it out to be free than bearing it in our mind.

Thank you for this great lesson we humans have to understand and learn how to keep things to ourselves before telling the success story.

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