
This is why you should not lose your cool

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3 min read

The following is life advice from a man who formerly struggled with anger issues.

A life with no regret

Have you ever been triggered by someone else’s actions so vehemently that you did something that you later wish you hadn’t? This is the unfortunate result of letting your anger rise past it’s boiling point. If only there were methods to simmer down and control this fuming rage.


I’m not here to tell you how to become more halcyonic. Instead I aim to galvanize you to find your own mechanisms of tranquility. It is crucial that every human being grasps the concept of domineering over their own indignation.


Unfortunately most of us are never schooled on the art of emotional harmonics. There is no universal rule book on how to remain 100% balanced perpetually. This means if you are unheeding to others, you very well may become trapped in the quicksand of another individual’s mania.


Personal energy is the most treasured currency that this world has to offer, so why spend it on goods that you do not deem desirable. In other words, why give in to the opposition. You need not barter that which is of highest value with supremely negative entities. There are so many other transactions to be made which provide a higher degree of upside.


Take this scenario into consideration:

A person doesn’t like how you present yourself to the world. Possibly due to the color of your skin, your hair, the way you dress, too many tattoos, the tone of your voice, your posture, or an infinite other various reasons. Initial contact has them feeling the need to be aggressive towards you and show total disrespect. They try their absolute hardest to cause you pain in order to temporarily cleanse their own impurities.

How should you react?

  • Throw the same sort of combative attitude right back in their face, further fueling the blaze that has been ignited.
  • Distance yourself from the situation and refuse to engage in the prehistoric-like behavior.
  • Find a way to channel the fury from your adversary and transform it into something fruitful.

Each of these routes provide their own resolutions. Different types of personalities will be successful in each dialogue option. A natural warrior will overcome the obstacles in front of them and defeat the aggressor with their forthright power. The purist will most likely scathe by scurrying away at an opportune moment. A master of our reality will find a way to take control of the storm and transmute the violent strikes of lightning into something worthwhile. Find yourself choosing the wrong path and you very well may land in a steaming pool of hot magma.


Key point

The thing about overcoming a firestorm of these sorts that you mustn’t consign to oblivion is that preserving composure is critical. Fumbling your self supremacy may result in explosions that cannot be undone. Going nuclear and detonating emotional bombs is known to cause serious damage.


Refuse the frenzy and seize your equilibrium.

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I hope this free write of mind will provide you with some insight as to why it is important to not let your anger get the best of you. Nearly every situation is better managed with a sound set of emotions. It is up to you to unveil practices that will enable you to wield your most powerful weapons/defenses to their maximum efficiency

Hive Artwork by: @daltono

Orca Artwork by: @jesusmedit

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