
What Is The Splinterlands Token DEC Inflation?

avatar of @dalz
4 min read

Splinterlands is on a massive run in the last period. All metrics are up and more and more players are joining by the day. Lets take a look at the DEC token inflation.

The Splinterlands DEC token has been a challenge to track. Not sure has there ever been a close enough data on it. There are quite a lot of mechanics, reward pools and even more ways to burn the token.

Just to mention a few ways DEC is being created:

  • reward pool for wining battles
  • reward pool for quests
  • reward pool for liquidity providers
  • DEC created from burning cards

On the burn side, DEC is usually burnt for some of the in-game purchase like the dice edition of cards, guilds upgrades, skins etc. Not sure is there some DEC burning for the land.
Plus, DEC lives on multiple chains, Hive, Ethereum, BSC, plus the in game DEC hold by players.

The price of the DEC is loosely pegged for the 1000 DEC per 1$, but we are seeing now that it has lost its peg on the up side, especially with no card edition for sale, except dice.

I was presenting just one side of the DEC inflation in the Splinterlands stats post, that was the reward pool for games won, but just calculated daily inflation based on the announcement from Splinterlands, with no particular data querying. This is quite limited presentation of data.

From recently some things got cleared out a bit from the Splinterlands team, like that the DEC supply on Hive engine, encapsulates all the DEC supply, from all the different places where DEC is used. Additionally a dedicated api was created for tracking the supply. This api shows only the current balances for the DEC created from different pools, plus the burnt DEC.

Method. For the data presented here I have been using the issued and burnt DEC on Hive Engine, and additionally have double check it with the api data in the last few weeks. The queries are on the bottom of the post. Splinterlands as a team are holding a lot of DEC them self, so they might act as a buffer sometimes and issue and burn DEC as they need.

We will be looking at:

  • Daily and monthly DEC created
  • Daily and monthly DEC burned
  • DEC created VS burnt
  • DEC created from different pools
  • DEC supply

Time frame. I have queried the data starting from June 2020, or when Splinterlands transitioned to the Hive blockchain, but there seems to been some reorganization in the DEC supply in October 2020, when huge amount of DEC was burnt (more that the number in the api). After this the numbers seem more stable, and because of this here we will be looking at the data only for 2021, Jan 1 – July 22, 2021.

DEC Created

First for the amount of DEC created. Here is the chart for the daily data.

We can notice some down trend in the period, with maybe a small increase in the last days. Some spikes as well. On average in the whole period above, around 1M DEC per day was issued.

The get a better representation here is the monthly chart.

Note July is not over yet, the data above is till July 22nd.

We can notice the down trend up until May and June 2021. July is on a track to have similar numbers for DEC created as June. New DEC issued per month has been in the range of 20M to 40M.

DEC Burned

DEC is not like the standard crypto tokens. A lot of it is getting burned for in game assets purchases and it is something that need to be taken into consideration. Here is the daily data.

A clear up trend here with a significant increase in the last two months.

Here is the monthly chart.

June has a record amount of DEC burned with 93M DEC burnt in the month. July is not over yet, and it has 85M DEC burnt, and it will most likely surpassed June. DEC is burnt on a massive scale.

DEC Created VS Burned

When we put the numbers for created and burnt, we got this.

And the monthly chart.

We can confirm here once again the huge amounts of DEC burned in the last two months. When taken into consideration the created vs burnt, around 65M more DEC was burnt then created in June and July. For the whole 2021 around 150M more DEC was burnt then created. DEC is acting as a deflationary asset in 2021!

The log chart for created vs burnt looks like this.

The yellow line is burnt, and the blue DEC created.

DEC Supply

Here is the chart for the DEC supply in 2021.

The chart above is sort of reverse engineered, taking the number for the current DEC supply and add the daily differences from the created vs burnt numbers.
At the begging of the year there was around 630M DEC and now the supply of DEC is around 480M. As already said above DEC has been acting as a deflationary asset in 2021.

The supply was quite contestant till June 2021, floating above the 600M, with some small decline, and then starting from June it went down.

Disclaimer: Some of the numbers above might be wrong. DEC has been hard to track asset and it seems there have been some adjustments in the past. I have described the method and the query, a comment from the Splinterlands team on the numbers is welcomed. :)

All the best @dalz


DEC created

CONVERT(NVARCHAR, timestamp, 101) as date, 
SUM(CONVERT(NUMERIC, json_value(json, '$.contractPayload.quantity'))) 
FROM Txcustoms 
CONVERT(DATE,timestamp) BETWEEN '2021-01-01' AND '2021-07-22' 
AND [tid] in ('ssc-mainnet-hive') 
(ISJSON(json) > 0) 
(json_value(json, '$.contractPayload.symbol') = 'DEC' 
AND json_value(json, '$.contractAction')  = 'issue') 

DEC burned

CONVERT(NVARCHAR, timestamp, 101) as date, 
SUM(CONVERT(NUMERIC, json_value(json, '$.contractPayload.quantity'))) 
FROM Txcustoms 
CONVERT(DATE,timestamp) BETWEEN '2021-01-01' AND '2021-07-22' 
AND [tid] in ('ssc-mainnet-hive') 
(ISJSON(json) > 0) 
(json_value(json, '$.contractPayload.symbol') = 'DEC' 
AND json_value(json, '$.contractAction')  = 'transfer' 
AND json_value(json, '$')  = 'null') 

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