
What is the Party Chat Among the Financial Elite? Cryptocurrency, of Course!

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3 min read

Mrs. Denmarkguy has just returned home from spending this past week in Seattle, primarily to be "puppy sitting" for our daughter and son-in-law who just got a new eight week old puppy.

Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous...

While she was there, it also happened to coincide with the annual "investor appreciation party" for major investors supporting the large international real estate investment firm where aforesaid daughter works as the executive assistant to the CEO.

Since our son-in-law absolutely abhors those kinds of events, Mrs. Denmarkguy instead went along as our daughter's "plus one."

Just to set the stage, the event took place at a swank five star resort and offered free open bar with rare fine liquors along with free flowing $500 wine and deluxe catering with exotic foods; the champagne and caviar flowing liberally. Oh, and company sponsored Ubers to and from the event.

Aside from offering some excellent people watching — keeping in mind that the individuals present had all invested a minimum of $10 million with the company — Mrs. Denmarkguy also got to talk to many people and overhear conversations that offered bits of insight into the daily lives and interests of the Super Elite.

The reason I'm writing this post is precisely that the topic Mrs. Denmarkguy would overhear in practically every group she talked to or sat with was something related to cryptocurrency!

What she also noticed, was that — within the context of crypto — hardly anybody talked about Bitcoin, but lots and lots of people were talking about Ethereum, and various projects running on Ethereum.

And that included the conversations she had with people she shared a table with while eating dinner... which included two bona fide billionaires. Interesting to consider this, since the entire reason for these people to be at this shindig was related to their investments in a residential real estate investment trust.

What Are The Implications?

On one hand, it was definitely interesting and cool to observe just how much "reach" the Cryptosphere has managed to get these days and how they have become "the talk of the town" in many different circles.

On the other hand, I'm given to wonder what the future of cryptos might become if the existing financial elite is already so interested in it? Moreover, does their presence essentially mean the end of crypto's original promise of things like "banking the unbanked" and being the alternative currency for people trying to escape conventional banking and investing?

Are we just going to end up with "Wall Street Greed" version 2.0, where a handful of elites end up controlling the decentralized world many were hoping to build? Does it mean we'll end up seeing more situations like the one that ultimately forced the fork of the blockchain that gave "birth" to Hive?

I don't have any answers to those questions; really just sharing this as "words overheard" and inviting discussion.

Thanks for stopping by, and have an awesome weekend!

How about YOU? DO you think cryptocurrencies will be usurped by the uber rich, and become "Wall Street Greed 2.0?" Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

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