
Cards I love to sell

1 min read


Ever since i started trading on Dcity it has been amazing. I make close to 10$ per day...and I fix it back into my account buy buying random cards. it is like mining online. among all the cards making me happy these day its the military industrial complex.

Well besides the fact that the name infers some sort of safety to my city. for me it means financial security. it cost close to 40 hive on the market (thought the value fluctuates).

About the card

It is a second generation card, meaning it was formed in the second edition of the game. we are still awaiting the 3rd edition cards that are coming soon.

It provides an income of 20. I think that's in sim. I stand to be corrected and learn.

It reduces the cities popularity. I still don't know how that affects the city directly...but that just sounds like extra reasons to sell it right?

It provides employment for 30 workers or it requires 30 workers.

ok...rarity...this one I understand...its a 1% chance of getting the card.

You really shouldn't be taking advice from me just yet in Dcity. but do do sell your military industrial complex if you are a trader.