
My initial reaction to the news... Let's make the Steem / Tron Alliance Prosper!

avatar of @eco-alex
2 min read

I have just returned from a 5 day festival to discover the news about Steem and Tron. It has been just as interesting to read the many comments and posts from people reacting as it has been to read about the details of the deal itself. My first impression.. wow. A man who appears to be quite intelligent, and adept at marketing has just bought Steemit for HOW many millions of dollars!? .. and that's just Steemit and not even the blockchain. I have read quite a few concerns, and can always feel the panic and paranoia that can goes along with it.

No one knows exactly what will happen next, whether Tron will take Steem to new heights, or whether it will be its downfall.. What I believe is that the way in which the community react will be a big part of whatever does happen. One thing is for sure, we all care a lot about Steem.. not just for the money, or the community, but also because of what it represents.. a great working experiment that demonstrates a way in which decentralised systems CAN self regulate AND work! So let me send this message to those of you who are fearing the worst.

One of the amazing things about Steem is its positivity... at least when things are going well! We are passionate smart people, and have so much potential to help change this world for the better. If we accept these changes as part of the natural Growth of Steem, and welcome this new community on board, we will forge new connections, and create trust with the people we currently do not know.

What do you think will happen if 1,000 of us start posting positive things about Tron, and start engaging with the community.. encouraging them to come onto Steem.. and collaborate? Compare that to, what you think will happen if 1,000 of us start posting ways to start protecting ourselves, focussing on the negative.. and let fear grip our souls?

What I am saying is that we should welcome this news, and accept it because it has already happened.. and it has great potential to bring good things.. and at the end of the day it is US who will decide if and how that happens. Justin is a smart man, and I doubt he just spent 10Mil to throw it out the window.. I don't know about you .. but despite how it may potentially look to some of us right now, i have this little feeling that this may well be the the start of the big changes we have been waiting to see!

Stay positive, fear nothing, keep doing your thing.. lets practice a little detachment.. it really helps! <3