
Popularity Changes in dCity - What it means for you and for me

avatar of @ecoinstant
2 min read

Did you see the announcement post? If you haven't, check it out. dCity is the longest running NFT game, its a city builder game and we continue to play and have a good time!

A change that was mentioned several times in the discord is now upon us:

Popularity Nerf!

So popularity gives a huge bonus to the size of your city. Currently, on my main city, I have just 8814 people and a massive 46x multiplier to get to my 430k total population.

With the new change I will have just a 36x multiplier, meaning I will need another 111,000 people, which at a 36x multiplier means I will need somewhere in the neighborhood of 3100 extra population in my city afterwards.

I will need ~240 additional population pieces in my tech mining farm hubs.

The idea that this post proposes is that population is going to start getting more scarce, and should, could, might go up in value.

Surely cities will need more population. Where will they get it from?

There are cities like this one floating around the leaderboards, this is my (very pretty) @ecoinstats collection. It is currently ranked #1 on the leaderboard for population, it has 130,641 base population and a 26.22x multiplier from popularity.

Basic homes and apartments are out of print, but they are still out there.

I might need 7000 out of 130 thousand of these popularity pieces with this change.

But what about 60%?

The post indicated that the destination was from 70 to 68 on a course down to 60 - what would that do to my populations?

It would bring my main city down to a 13x multiplier....

Meaning I would need about 25k more population in my main city, something similar in my main alts. All my smaller alts would have to be redesigned with each movement - sounds like fun!

I think there is still a lot of population to be soaked up from the bigger cities, so I wouldn't go all out long on basic homes just yet.

Although there are a good number of them on the market, at not a bad price. 150 sim at 0.00085 sim price is 0,1275 swap.hive per basic home card - first edition and out of print!

Time will tell how this plays out! Happy trading!

Freedom and Friendship