
Luke is Alive - March 14

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1 min read

Pi Day

Karon Magwood

Two celebrations in honor of the mathematical expression Pi are known as Pi Day: "Pi Day" and "Pi Approach Day". This celebration was an initiative of the physicist Larry Shaw, in San Francisco (California), and has been gaining in popularity, to the point of having in 2009 a favorable resolution of the United States House of Representatives, in which March 14 was officially declared National Pi Day.

Mathematicians and teachers from various schools around the world organize parties and meetings on this date. The date is celebrated in many different ways: some groups meet to discuss and comment on the importance of pi in their lives, exchange anecdotes or theorize what the world would be like without the knowledge of pi. Other groups meet to watch the movie of cult, Pi, faith in chaos / Pi, the order of chaos, by Darren Aronofsky, who talks about this number and also about the phi number. It is also common to eat cakes with motifs on π.

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