
The last time BTC was $30k: Hive was ___ cents.

avatar of @edicted
2 min read
  • On January 27th 2021, Bitcoin bottomed at $30,444.

  • Hive was worth...

13.3 cents

Hm. So still x2.7 higher than 4 months ago. What a crime.

I've been robbed.

  • My upvote is only $6 instead of $10.
  • I have no money to buy the dip.
  • I lost too much on leverage trading and risky startups.
  • Had to sell my kids into slavery.
  • Clearly: This is Elon Musk's fault.

Call me crazy.

But I still feel like I'm in a pretty good position. If anything this entire situation just reinforces the need for this Venti Trading System I thought of a while back.

Very few people actually Dollar Cost Average.

That's my advice to others and I don't do it myself because I'm on the whole HODL train. Times like this prove more than ever that we need a decentralized means of implementing Swarm Intelligence when it comes to Bitcoin trading.

It's very clear that the volatility of the market is a huge detriment. Are we trying to fix it? Nah, everyone is just gambling their asses off and practically celebrating volatility on the upside and damning it to hell on the downside. Not a very professional thing to do, wouldn't you agree?

Even the term Impermanent Losses are use to describe the exact definition of dollar cost average selling. When the price of the other asset goes up in a stable-coin LP pair, you aren't incurring a loss, you're DCA selling into the stable coin. It's lowering volatility, lowering risk, and lowering potential reward. To see an entire community people call this a loss is mind boggling and alarming. The implied greed is infinite even in the vocabulary.


Anyone can see there's a lot of panic out there.
I like to focus on what I have rather than what I don't.
And there's still a lot left to look at.
Choose abundance over scarcity if you have the option.
Mindset matters.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta