
Content Inc. Best Takeaways - The Content Tilt!

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3 min read

Hello everyone!

I will be covering the best takeaways from the book I'm reading with the CTP Mastermind Group.

The book is divided into 9 parts, which fits my plan in posting about each part every Tuesday and Thursday! To know more about the book, you can click on the image above and it will redirect to its main website, or just follow me for the next few posts!

Part 3 is about finding your content tilt, the main mission of your content that people will want to actually read and asking for more!

Chapter 5 TakeAway - What if your content were gone?

Even though it may sound a bit harsh, but for you to "measure" if your content is valuable or not, think as if for some reason your blog platform would shut down or someone hacked your posts and erased them, would people miss it? Would it be such a big loss for the niche you are providing content to?

Today it's harder and harder to buy attention. You have to earn it. Earn it today, tomorrow, and five years from now by delivering the most impactful information your customers could ever ask for. Page 63

Lucky for you that writing here on Hive you will never lose your content, but you get the point lol

Chapter 6 TakeAway - Do the Work

Like everything in life, if you really want something, you need to...

Finding your content purpose, or content tilt is no different. A lot of research and content creation from that research and more will be done until you will find your niche, or at least discover the opportunities.

Chapter 7 TakeAway - Wants, not needs

Creating the content that people want to engage with over everything else it's the kind of aspiration that you want to achieve.

Focusing on the reader's "pain points", or needs is a good starting point but it's not enough anymore.

To get to the heart of your customers' aspirations, you have to focus on what they want to be and help them get where they really want to go Page 87

My thoughts so far

Not so long ago I got proof that constant content flow can be rewarding and helpful not only at that particular time but also in the future.

I created a video explaining how @lukeisalive works a few months ago and 5 days ago someone found it and thought it was useful to understand a bit where the Alive tribe came from.

Click the image for the post link if you want to check.

If you are starting your content creation journey and you are still finding your content tilt, start with something of your interest that might help others. As you are progressing and tracking feedback from your content, you will see which ones people engaged/liked the most. Can always try other topics of more in-depth of what people possibly want. Sometimes is a matter of throwing things against the wall and see if sticks. If works, great! If not, try something else. Eventually, you will find your purpose and then you can focus your content on that. But to reach it, you will need to do the work.

That's about it for today!

Are you reading the book? Join me and let's exchange the best takeaways from it by commenting below!

See you next time!