
Content Planning

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3 min read

Hello, awesome people!

Welcome to the CTP Blueprint Weekly!

For the past few posts, I've been talking about planning so let's dig up some more!

A content entrepreneur doesn't just sit down and create content, at least that's not that easy, especially for those in the early stage. for better results, you first create a content plan.

Based on your "content tilt", you create a detailed map for developing and publishing your creations. It takes into consideration your time, resources, topics, formats, frequencies, deadlines and more, but always keep two things top of mind: you and your audience.

Time commitment

You might have all the time in the world or not at all, it will depend on how committed you are to this. Allocating more time at the beginning and routines will help you figure out how much time you want or need.

Locking blocks of time each day of the week can help avoid being overwhelmed if you try to do everything in one day. Some might prefer to create in bulk on a specific day and spend the other days publishing and promoting.

Picking areas of interest/topics

Finding your sweet spot and doing some audience research can lead you to a few primary content categories.

Point out up to four categories and through them detail up ideas and topics. Remember me talking about writing everything? Make a list and add more every time it pops up in your mind, it might come in handy for the next creation!

Formats and platforms

From blog posts to infographics, podcasts and videos, from posting on traditional social media to posting here on Hive, there is a huge variety of ways to create content and places to post it!

At the start, you might want to go to every platform and make all the content formats so you can have more eyes on your creations. However, it will spread yourself too thin on even get too overwhelmed. Quality over quantity - pick one way you are the best to create and a couple of platforms where you want to spread the word. Once you pick some pace you can add other formats and platforms but again be careful not to get overwhelmed.

It's also good to get out of your comfort zone and try other formats like podcasts where you can easily talk better than writing or videos where you need to show yourself and bring more trust to the audience.

Schedule and publishing pace

At the start, you might have to track your time to check how long you take to create and distribute your content. This can help determine your publishing and distribution schedule and plan your pace, meaning how frequent you will publish your creations.

Don't forget to allocate time to distribute/promote your creations and engage with your audience, especially the last one! You can for example publish your posts any other day and use the free days in between to reply to comments or share your creations on other platforms.

You can set up a calendar for a better vision. Last year we had a content challenge where we create a calendar that might come in handy still, including the action steps within.

Revisit and update the plan

Now that you have a plan, you will create routines and build some consistency and better allocate your time in every step of the plan.

However, because of the constant changes, not only about your audience but also yourself, there will be things that will work for you for a while and others just don't fit anymore.

Spend some time periodically to review your performance and adapt and adjust your plan accordingly.

You might think that you don't need a plan at the start and that you can figure out things on your own, but eventually, things can get messy and if you want to make a business out of this, planning can come in handy!

Trust the process and enjoy the adventure :)

If you find it valuable and useful please comment below!

Or if you have any other questions, comment below as well!
I might do a post or video about it to help you :)

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