
Abundance.Tribe BiWeekly Question - what success means to me

avatar of @emeka4
3 min read

I really appreciate abundance.tribe for this lovely question for people on the platform to share their own idea or experience on the topic been given which talks about success which is a nice topic to deliberate on.


Success is an achievement that have been pursued on a journey to get there with so many obstacles and challenges that may have occur just to achieve that. The journey towards success is not an easy mission to embark on but once the mind is determined nothing can hinder one not to achieve it.

What success means to me

Success to me is a goal that have been accomplished with determination and courage to get there. Everyone wants to be successful in life but not everyone have the mind to embark on a rough and tough journey just to get there because so many challenges will occur and may hinder one to backslide but the determined ones who really knows what they want won't be bothered about what they may face getting to that destination but the most important thing is to be successful at the end of the day.

We have different areas that requires success not only in financial aspect alone but indeed is a main thing to be financially stable. Success can occur for instance in education aspect where you will have to prepare for a particular course to pass in flying colours which is also success because in life there's always a step in achieving a goal which will definitely begin from scratch.

Like I said earlier, there are so many ways to describe success regardless of the area it may occur. I want to use the hive blockchain as another example to define success especially in the Leofinance platform where we've seen or experience changes lately in the blockchain which is really awesome and a better improvement to promote the blockchain to another level. The team are working just to make sure it is more successful than how it is before with the new features been put to it which is really awesome. The word success means aiming for a goal that need a better change than how it is before in a positive dimension and journey to towards it with meaningful impact.

What are the steps or requirements that enables one to achieve success?

Hardwork with a smart move


There's a difference between working hard and doing hardwork which means those that really know what they want at the end of the day are working hard with a smart move and mission to achieve a goal in the future and not by doing hardwork without a goal. Though, they both have goals but one have a smarter move and choice.



The mission you want to embark on to achieve success have been done by so many people which certainly means it's not a new choice or mission to embark on because some achieve success at the end while others failed trying but since you know what your goal is the negative part shouldn't be a problem instead is a way of overcoming obstacles and to conquer challenges just to locate your aim with courage and focus towards it. There's a saying that says the downfall of a man is never the end of is life which also means that the spot he failed will the be the same spot he will achieve success.

Success is determination and a positive mission to embark on though it's not easy but will definitely worth the move.