
How to create a cheap token?

avatar of @eroche
2 min read

Coming up to Christmas I thought it might be a nice present to give to my young nieces and nephews this year a share of a dog as a Crypto Token, and having heard about Hive Engine I was hoping it would be possible to create one and give it to them as a token.

This is not a business proposal but rather a way to promote Crypto and get people to learn about it.

Hive Engine was a challenge for this project as there are two many steps for them to jump through to get it so initially I discounted Hive engine but I did come back to it in the end.

ERC 20

The most common wallet I hear about these days is Metamask so I thought that any compatible Token would be good to focus on as they are very accessible for Normies.

I found loads of guides and it was quite easy to copy some code in Remix and Even Deploy it on the Ethereum Testnet. Happy Days!

wait ...

How much is this going to cost to deploy to the Ethereum Main net?


That is way too rich for my blood for a side project. There has to be a cheaper way on one of the other networks.


I came across the cointool app which you dont even need to know how to code for.

I wanted to search other Contract Platforms Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, xDai, Polygon and Cointool seemed to be easy to create with.

The costs for deploying using this tool to all these Platforms was ranging from 90 Dollars to 2000 Dollars.

Still much too rich for my blood.

Hive engine

Coming Back to Hive Engine I thought this might work and I can figure out how to get them a wallet. Maybe using Leo Finance.

  • When I went to create a token here the minimum price is 100 Bee which works out at around $100.

This is the cheapest option but it wont work for me my nieces and nephews as I dont have an easy way to transfer the tokens to them. Am I looking at this all wrong or is there an easy wallet to store and send and receive Hive Engine Tokens without all the trading and market views?

I would love any help from the hive community on this.


Christmas vector created by vectorpouch -