
Creative Jobs Will Be Replaced By AI Sooner Than You Think

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4 min read


The impact that artificial intelligence has on our lives is normally taken for granted. It's everywhere, from recommending movies on Netflix to making sure that your Amazon order arrives safely at your door. However, AI is also having a dramatic impact on economies around the world and it's changing 'how we work'. There are many people out of work right now who worry about their futures because they lost their jobs to automation or outsourcing. These people need help finding new careers or they may need government assistance if they aren't able to find employment quickly enough!

Future Of Unemployment

AI will eventually replace many creative jobs and that has many creatives worried. AI will do some routine and non-uniquely human creative work, but it’s unlikely to replace all creativity or even most of it.

However, the number of people who can create unique content is limited in comparison to those who want unique content. This means fewer creative jobs for humans, as more companies use AI to generate original content for them.

The good news is that there are still plenty of opportunities for you as a creator- you just need to be willing and able to adapt your skillset accordingly.

Jobs Are Standardized

If you’re a creative professional, it may be hard to imagine that AI could ever replace your job. The truth is that many creative jobs have already been automated through algorithms and automation. For example, Graphic Design, is considered one of the most creative fields out there—and yet it has been fully automated by algorithms and software programs. It has become standardized. Thank you Canva. xD

It may be tempting to think that your job isn’t susceptible to being automated simply because it's creative in nature. But this line of thinking ignores the fact that creativity itself has been reduced over time through automation and standardization. For example:

Offer More Than Machines

If you're a creator, there are some obvious ways you can use your creativity at work. For example, if you're a graphic designer, maybe you could create a new font that is uniquely human - like and beautiful in its own way. Or maybe even something that no one else has ever seen before (and thus making your work more memorable). You could also try thinking about how people might actually use the service or product being developed for them - and then designing it accordingly.

The general idea here is that humans have an advantage over machines in terms of creativity and thoughtfulness; so we should try our best to use these talents in our jobs as often as possible!

Expect Losing Work To AI & Prepare

Perhaps you've heard the saying, "prepare for the worst and hope for the best." It's a good piece of advice that's easy to forget. The truth is that if AI does replace your job, it might happen sooner than you think. In fact, there are some people who believe that this has already happened and many of us are already living in an automated world!

So what should you do if you lost your job to AI? First off, don't panic. Second off, don't give up hope on finding a new one - but also be realistic about how quickly those jobs will come along. Thirdly (and finally), prepare yourself financially so that when it happens - you're ready AF! You should start by saving & investing in assets as much cash as possible while still having enough left over to live comfortably.

Once all of these steps have been taken care of (or at least started), then start finding other options like reskilling yourself for another type of work or starting your own online business from home.

AI Is Only Problems?

AI is going to eliminate many creative jobs and cause problems for us all.

It is not a replacement for creativity though. In fact an extension of it. It’s about giving people the tools they need to be more creative, more often. By creating a system that can generate ideas based on what it knows about you and your preferences, AI will make it easier than ever before to come up with fresh solutions that respond to our needs in real-time. In fact, AI has already been proven to help speed up the process of generating new work by suggesting ideas based on what has worked well in the past.

This isn’t just great news for marketers or ad agencies—it will also benefit everyone who works in marketing across industries like healthcare and finance where companies need constant innovation but don't have great track records when it comes to innovation (or they don't have enough data). So while those who do creative work may initially feel threatened by these advances we should embrace them with open arms because they'll ultimately lead us toward better products which can only mean good things for everyone involved!


When it comes down to it, AI is going to make our lives easier in certain respects and more difficult in others. It's important that we understand how this technology will affect us so that we can prepare for its arrival. If you lost your job because of AI, then remember: computers aren't the enemy--they're just tools that can help us do what needs doing.

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