
Best way to earn yield on Bitcoin - Cub Finance Kingdoms

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3 min read

Direct from the desk of Dane Williams.

The best way to earn yield on Bitcoin is by optimising your current LP contract in a Cub Finance Kingdom.

Cub Finance Kingdoms are essentially cross-platform, auto compounding yield vaults.

Auto compounding yield vaults allow you to stake your LP contract and earn a third party asset.

In the case of Kingdoms, the asset that you’re earning would be the Cub Finance CUB token.

Furthermore in Kingdoms, your position automatically compounds via a smart contract.

What happens in order to compound your position is that as LP rewards are earned from the external platform being used (Pancake or Belt for earning yield on Bitcoin), this smart contract sells them and automatically reinvests into the base asset.

The cherry on the top for Cub Finance Kingdoms is that even with your stake automatically compounding, you still receive harvestable CUB rewards on top.

Cub Finance Kingdoms for Bitcoin

Now we understand what a Cub Finance Kingdom is, let’s shift our focus to using them to earn yield.

The best way to earn yield on Bitcoin is in a Cub Finance Kingdom.

Kingdom option 1 - BTC:BNB LP

On Cub Finance Kingdoms, you do have the opportunity to earn 23.58% APY on the BTC:BNB LP.

In order to earn the 23.58% APY on your BTC, you simply pool it with BNB on PancakeSwap and then deposit your LP tokens into the Cub Finance Kingdom.

However, this obviously opens you up to the prospect of experiencing impermanent loss and therefore pooling your Bitcoin with Binance Coin isn’t the ideal play.

Kingdom option 2 - BeltBTC

So if the risk of impermanent loss outweighs the higher yield on offer in the first Kingdom, then you can earn 8.25% APY on BeltBTC.

This is a single stake BTC vault that uses Belt.

As you can see, this Kingdom offers a lower APY on your Bitcoin, but completely removes the risk of experiencing impermanent loss.

Obviously for Bitcoin investors, this is extremely important and that fact is reflected in the Kingdoms’ respective TVLs which sees the BeltBTC Kingdom having twice as much locked up.

Earn higher yield on your Bitcoin in Cub Finance Kingdoms

Make no mistake, Cub Kingdoms are currently the most underrated opportunity in DeFi.

The opportunity to not only earn yield on Bitcoin, but on all of the other assets via Kingdoms is comparably higher than all other yield optimisers on the market.

Quite frankly, the majority of people currently earning yield on their Bitcoin simply on Pancake Swap or Belt, are leaving money on the table.

Compare the TVLs between the BTC:BNB LP Kingdom on Cub Finance ($260K) with the $88 MILLION currently pooled in the BTCB-BNB farm on PancakeSwap where the Kingdom Vault Contract pools your Bitcoin.

All of these people currently earning yield on their Bitcoin without shifting their assets into the Cub Finance Kingdom, could literally be earning twice as much.

So if you want to earn yield on Bitcoin, head to, connect your MetaMask wallet and check out all of the Kingdoms featuring Bitcoin.

It’s the smart play.

Best of probabilities to you.

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