
Bear Market Tips For Content Creators

avatar of @gadrian
3 min read

The bear market comes with a series of opportunities but also challenges, many of them psychological in nature.

If you're not paying attention, you may be put down by all the doom and gloom around and by the state of your portfolio in dollar terms.


Personally, I found some ways to avoid being too much affected by it, and I'd like to share them with you.

1. Don't Keep Your Eyes on The Dollar Value of Your Portfolio as It Drops

If you are a trader, that's probably what you do, and that's ok. But for a regular crypto investor, seeing them drop in value daily can be a major downer.

If you have a routine of tracking your portfolio weekly or monthly, that's a different deal. Keep that routine as it may reveal actions you need to take that otherwise you wouldn't know about. But be aware that seeing major drops will affect you, even if you think they won't.

An alternative would be to start tracking everything in crypto instead of dollars. I need to switch to this too at some point, even though USD is the top dog for real-world purchases.

2. Don't Read / Listen to ALL the Negative Information Out There

It's important to be informed if that can help you take better decisions, but if you subject yourself to all the negative information (and that includes Youtube, Twitter, or Hive), then you'll be contaminated by it and you won't see the benefits of the bear market and will be paralyzed when you should act.

Personally, I only check out some negative articles enough to be informed, and briefly.

3. As a Content Creator, Don't Write Too Often About the Doom and Gloom

Just like reading about it, writing or speaking about it will affect you, maybe even more. That's why I often prefer neutral topics during these times or positive ones.

People will find more relief in non-negative topics too these days.

And sometimes, even when I approach an unpleasant topic during such times, I might add a little humor or irony, or self-irony to it. At least I try to. It's not working out very well all the time.

4. Have One or More Posts Prepared For When You're Feeling Down

You can have a few posts saved as drafts ready to be published when you don't feel in the right state of mind to write a fresh one.

That's an option.

Another option is to have a neutral topic in mind (but not written) for such a moment. One that doesn't require you to show your emotions, unless you want to transmit your state of mind to your readers or you are very good at dissimulating it (I'm not, lol).

For me, a description-based post works out. If you include steps it's even better, because you focus your mind on that instead of whatever got you down.

5. If You Use LeoFinance, Set Your Payout Display to LEO

With LEO well under $1, it's indicated to switch your payout display to LEO in LeoFinance (Profile -> Settings), instead of USD or both.

Even if we are talking about the same value, it's one thing to see a 0.5$ payout and another to see 9 LEO.

If LEO ever goes back to 1 USD, that's 9 USD, not 0.5 USD. Of course, before going back up, it might go lower if the market tanks further.

Unfortunately, you can't do the same with any of the general interfaces, PeakD,, or Ecency. They don't have a way to change the "currency" under which the payout is displayed to HIVE during the bear market.

6. Check Out Your Vote Weights

With the drop in dollar value of HIVE, make sure you check the weights with which you vote, especially on comments. Until something might be different, if the payout drops below $0.02, it won't be paid.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta