
Ode To The Blockchain STEEM

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2 min read

Alas, t'is true, the bell soon tolls, For thee and those who tarry, As many a mind and heart will flee, Worried, worn and wary—

Tho just as many sing in triumph, "See thee on the other side!" These have all longed for this day To turn the malignant tide.

To free themselves from mine's dark shadow, Which chains have held them fast, To the unproven plains of the unknown, To govern themselves at last.

If not for thy new master, whose reach was too far to bear, These may have lingered to salvage Thy promise once long and fair.

The camel's back, as it goes, T'was broken with fate's final straw, So there's little to do but mourn thy loss, And let go the bitter maw—

That once rejoiced with welcome, To all who entered in With hopes and dreams of futures bright— For all their kith and kin.

But now hath utterly turned to spite, And doth spit on all held dear, And tread like heathen underfoot the good that happened here.

Sometimes our choices come with costs— the frying pan or the fire, But freedom's ring is sound and sure, While bondage, dank and dire.

Will we succeed? Will we fail? He'll tell us, Father Time, While in the mean, we will march on, To fife and drum and rhyme.

Better to fail and fall as free, Then follow one man's folly. Only to parry for everlasting Each feint and taunt and volley.

So, Fare Thee Well, Sweet Lady STEEM, No time for fear or sorrow, For a new beginning in the HIVE Awaits on the morrow!

With us on wings thou shalt be borne, For STEEM is not a place, But dwells in the minds, hearts and souls Of all who doth sovereignty chase.

For in the end, when all is done And justice doth her verdict decree, We will not have forsaken freedom's light For tyranny's treachery.

Onward and upward.