
R185/Barber Shop Quartet!

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2 min read

Hola, Rockstars! Bitcoin is trading at 22K, and Hive is rocking at 0.35 cents.

R185 Barber Shop Quartet/A Rare Musician

*" There are four of them! ". "

Fans: 175 Skills: 175 Luck: +4 Income Modifier: +4

A rare NFT with a total supply of 8000. Seven thousand seventy cards are distributed. The market value is quite good.

*R192 RS Pro Condenser Mic/A Rare Instrument

*" Looks like a tube of sweets but will it make your voice sound sweet? ". "

Let's move on to our favorite 3 Card Packs and see what we get this time.

*3 Card combo pack 1

It gave us RS Pro Condenser Mic; Looks like a tube of sweets but will it make your voice sound sweet?πŸ’™. We got two other cards, Tez and Rubber Dinghy. We got rare & common cards 😍 😍 Together, they gave 20 fans, zero skills, 51 luck, and zero IM.

*3 Card combo pack 2

Let's open another card pack and see if we are lucky. Three legendary cards we got from the card packs.

We added RS Pro Condenser Mic; Looks like a tube of sweets but will it make your voice sound sweet?😘. Elise and Carbon Fibre Acoustic. Have +5 fans, 10 skills, 51 luck & zero IM.

*3 Card combo pack 3

It is excellent to have Tiki The Rapper; she's Tiki, she's sneaky, her rap's a bit squeaky. To be honest it's pretty freakyπŸ’™ We got Karaoke Mic and Karaoeke Mic. We got rare & common cards: 50 fans, 200 skills, +6 luck, and +3 IM.

*3 Card combo pack 4

It is superb to collect Gustaf; you need a lot of skill to drive a Hummy Limo, Gustaf is the man you need😘. RS YO and Carbon Fibre Acoustic. Hundred fans, hundred skills, 10 luck & +2 IM.

*3 Card combo pack 5

What a lovely addition to Dominic; the neighbor from hell!πŸ€. We also got Dean and Tez.

Fans: 150 Skills: 150 Luck: +4 Income Modifier IM: +4

*3 Card combo pack 6 to 12

This is it for today, Rock Stars. I'll be sharing more. Thank you for reading & supporting me. Much appreciated your love. Rock On!

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