
Don't invest in yourself.

avatar of @gogreenbuddy
2 min read

Invest in yourself they say. It always felt a bit like ''you should eat carrots for health''. You shouldn't eat carrots for health but because you like them. The same with investing in yourself.

I could learn German, Java or Python or whatever fancy language is the bomb. I just don't really want to. Almost nobody can find the passion and relentless energy to learn something they don't really care about. If it's up to me I would play age of empires whole day, maybe watch some cartoons and ask Wen on Discord...

What should you do? Figure yourself out first.

  1. Do you want succes or you feel (social) pressure to become successful. There is nothing wrong with being happily unemployed without education. Do you want to be happy or succesfull? If being succesfull wouldn't make you happy then don't become succesfull.
  2. What is success for you?
  3. Do you want to sacrifice everything for your goal?
  4. What do you really want to do?
  5. Do you care about yourself or eating chips whole day?

If you don't have answers on all of them than that's ok to but don't be frustrated your not getting things done.

I can't work on my goalsz because xyz. If you don't have time because you have to work 16 hrs a day to support a family. Did you try a sub-goal? Improve your resume, relocate or ask for a promotion or anything that's needed to give yourself more time, money or opportunity? There are no excuses in life. Great things never happened when your in your comfort zone

Me personally I don't really have it figured out. I know that I want less. I'm a minimalist, not really interested in much money, stress, cars, or whatever. I want a smallish bungalow with noting of IKEA in that house in the forest, maybe youtube, and a solid 4g+ internet. :D

So that's what I'm working at....

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