
The Rise of Financial Partisans

avatar of @gogreenbuddy
2 min read

Partisans are nothing new in history. We got famous names like Che Guevara and Lepa Radić. People often get the stamp ''Partisan'' if they fight against a force that according to public opinion ''evil''. In reality, terrorists, guerillas, and partisans have quite a similar job profile. To stay on topic Partisans almost never live a long life and get in lots of trouble. Remember this i will get back to it.

The ''evil'' Financial System The last decades the financial system grew from a great thing into a ''great'' power. The allocation of money slowly changed from investing in increasing production to increasing value regardless of societal gains. Finance got so powerful that it decides/influenced governments in various ways what has been the case countless times in history. The difference this time is people are more aware and easily organized through the internet.

The financial crisis combined with the bailout made them look like villains. Public opinion became very negative and banks are considered more and more evil. At the same time, the inequality gap grew in most western countries. The divide between rich and poor brought many crises in history. History tends to repeat itself :)

Financial Partisans Maybe it's my gut feeling but Robin Hood investors, some groups of crypto investors, authoritarians invest as a way of protest. Maybe this is why Elon Musk is so loved? He isn't in the ''establishment'' he is also not really against it but he is radical and likes to disrupt economic chains for the benefit of people (and himself)

So are current investors protesting and acting like partisans? Is investing purely for economics gains a dated concept? Many questions got no answers but what I do know that things like robin hood, doge rarely end well for ''everybody''

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