
The long walk to the long house, Wales.

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3 min read

All snaps are from March this year, the story starts by bouncing around, stick with me!!

So I was back in the area, I thought why not. I had parked up some distance away due to access being down a long private lane, which thankfully had a public right of way for walkers.

I stumbled across this place back in 2020, (lockdown? what lockdown). It looked unloved and abandoned, I thought let's have a look.

From the depths of my mind, the only vehicle that has been moved is the Landy

On my first visit the front door was unlocked and opened easily, so in I wandered, it was cluttered a real hoarder's house. But in an organised way so that there was a free and uncluttered passage from the front door into the main body of the building. I guess that should have been a clue.

Then as I neared the staircase.

jesus fucking christ! I could hear music coming from upstairs, I knew it wasn't coming from in my head as none of the voices that speak to me are musically minded.


Exit stage right i think, and backwards i stepped back into the real world.


Fast forward to now. There were subtle changes, to the detritus outside and hmmmmm, the front door was locked shut. I wandered around the building. At the rear a small kitchen window, panes, broken, off the latch.

Urbex Rule No18: Use your senses.


I stuck my head through the window and inhaled deeply. Oh yes that sweet, sickly, heady scent of decay, not heavy but there. Joy of joys

Let's mooch.

What a scramble that was, trying not to dislodge the pots and pans stacked up like a game of buckaroo.

So now I am in the kitchen, complete with unfinished washing up.

How very apt for me; after onions my next bestest vegetables in the whole world.

Heaven on a plate

  • 3 slices of lightly toasted stodgy white bread, allowed to cool so the thick slathered on Lurpak butter doesn't melt in.

  • 1 tin of Newgate baked beans, warm, not hot, poured over.

  • Top off with sliced pickled beetroot and jalapenos

Ladies......... I'm a cheap date!!!

The binmen calendar dates 2019, that probably ties on with the relative low levels of decay.

I think I have found one of the hoarders, shitting themselves about armageddon and the end of the world.

The bog, apart from the collection of cardboard tubes around which toilet tissue for rectal cleanliness was once wound is probably the least cluttered room in this old capsule.

The short hallway let to two further downstairs rooms

The less cluttered of the two, still had some bits and bobs.

Sometimes the problem for us in the urbex game, is that a place is just to full to really go rooting about, you could be there for days and find nothing of interest, so it is best to snap away at what you can see and be satisfied.

I mean, where would you start? and this looks just like it did two years ago.

Apparently a hash house harrier is not one who enjoys the bliss of a 420 toke, my bad. It is something to do with recreational running.

Fuck that, pass me a spliff.

I stopped, I listened, no music. onwards and upwards we go.

Lots of clutter.........

.............Lots and lots and lots of clutter actually

But across the upstairs rooms there were some lovely bits of treasure to enjoy.

Some nice vintage reading material. Pelican books ceased to be in 1984 and this original, for you youngsters who don't remember proper money, could be purchased for 17p.

Back in the good old days of unhindered smoking, a lot of tobacco companies included collectibles in the pack (think Panini football cards). This set dates from the 1930's.

So that was it, enjoyable little mooch, tis now time to navigate the mountain in the kitchen to make my egress from another wonderful capsule

Fuck off Secca.