
How To Drive Long-Term & Stable Traffic To Hive & Communities

avatar of @hitmeasap
6 min read

The Importance Of Traffic

I think we all know how important traffic is whenever it comes to online businesses. It doesn't matter if you have a personal blog or a multi-billion dollar company like Amazon. If you are working online, you need traffic. We need traffic to grow and we have tried many different things to drive traffic to Hive for months and years (if we include Steemit in that timeframe as well).

We have great initiatives and a bunch of people working hard to "put Hive on the map" and to get new eyeballs towards Hive. I am sure you've seen all the "Hive-tweets" for instance. Superb and awesome for many reasons, but not as effective as we want it to be. We want more, and as long as we want more we need to do more. We need to step up our game and draw attention. We need marketing.

How To Generate Traffic

Most users on Hive doesn't care much about generating traffic towards their content because the traffic is already in place. There's already a lot of curators and content creators on Hive (and/or it's Tribes) so users in general doesn't think about pulling traffic towards their creations. Average Joe from Facebook are not likely to be a Hive user so there's no need to bring him in. Hence, it's useless to share your Hive content on Facebook. That is entirely wrong though, and it's also extremely short-sighted. Yet, I know that there is a lot of users thinking in those exact lines.

Average Joe from Facebook won't upvote your content on Hive, which means zero value for you at the time, but it can mean literally everything for you in the long haul. Average Joe might become our next whale or our next author with massive influence, all due to the article he read. Your article.

While this doesn't mean much for you, short term, it can make a lot of difference in the long haul. You don't only increase your chances of gaining new followers, you also increase your chances to generate future rewards as well. Average Joe might be the next person who decides to follow- or upvote you.

Simply put, sharing content on social media is important and can make a significant difference. I know that many users are entirely focused upon the current rewards they make and how much they are able to accumulate, but it's not only good for those things though. Social signals are amazing in terms of traffic and rankings as well. Likes, shares, retweets and whatever the name is for everything is incredible and vital for traffic.

We want traffic for various reasons obviously, what I have mentioned above is some of those reasons. Another reason is because LeoFinance for instance, are using ads. They make Ad Revenue and each person who visit the site will increase the Ad Revenue. They also buy and burn tokens with the Ad Revenue, which in the long haul will have a very positive effect on the value of the LEO Tokens. Simply put, the price of the tokens will go up, meaning profit for holders.

That being said, we want to drive traffic towards LeoFinance for that sake as well.

**How Do We Drive Traffic Though?**

  • Social signals.

Like I've already stated, a superb option to bring bursts of traffic, get more attention and create hype. A great way to improve our search engine rankings as well, which automatically will result in more traffic over time. More traffic could potentially mean more Ad Revenue, a higher token value and more rewards.

I have just a small Twitter account ( with ~70 followers, and I am not using it actively at all. However, when I do use it, I do things like this:

4 Resteems and 8 Likes are obviously good, but it's far from great numbers. Other users are getting far better results than that, but the most important part to remember here is this:

It's all about impressions and link clicks. Sure, it's always fun when people engage with the tweet and/or like it, but we are going for the impressions as we want to spread the word and get people to know that LeoFinance/Hive/POB or whatever is out there waiting for them. We want more exposure.

When people have seen our tweet, we want them to click the link. We want to drive them towards our place instead. In this case: LeoFinance. Remember, we want traffic.

As a little bonus on top of that, I personally get more exposure as well:

Both on Twitter and on LeoFinance and Hive.

  • Optimized content.

I mentioned rankings and this is probably one of the most ignored things on Hive or any of the tribes of all times. People completely ignore the amazing potential we have with optimized content.

Content optimization is important for all of us though, from the smallest user to the biggest whale. Not everyone agrees on how beneficial it actually is, or how much we would grow with optimized content, but we have started to see more and more people caring about these things. People are interested in trying new things, and like I said, optimized content has been ignored a lot. With optimized content we will rank higher on google and other search engines.

Higher rankings means more traffic. You already know what more traffic is bound to do for us in the long haul. Simply put, traffic means profit in ways you can't even imagine.

The above screenshot is one example of a keyword that ranks high on Google. That specific article is an article I wrote ~7 months ago. You can find it here.

That article is not the absolute best in terms of optimization and there are things I could do to improve it even more. While it continues to be on top of Google though, there's no point in doing that. That keyword is a long-tail keyword with low-competition and used only as a test when I published the article. Because I actually believe that someone at some point will search for that specific or a very similar search phrase, I continued to optimize the content until it ranked high.

I have also optimized other articles, such as:

SEO takes time and final rankings are usually seen after several weeks. In the mean time, I'll continue to focus on creating more optimized content though. That way, it becomes somewhat of a "set it and forget it" type of thing. A thing that is bound to drive traffic over time.

Also, by coming back to older articles and update them, I give life to all of my content that has paid out weeks, months or even years ago. Life in terms of rankings and traffic. I obviously don't mind pulling in traffic using my older content, so why not spend a couple of minutes here and there and update some of it? - And by update it, I mean optimize it.

Work As A TEAM

We have a bunch of people interested in organic traffic. @forexbrokr is one of them. @cflclosers is another user who have showed that they understand the potential and raw power from optimized content. Follow the account @crypto-guides which is a LeoFinance community project, aimed at creating a crypto guide for every coin. All well-optimized articles that is likely to get decent ranks on search engines in the future. Meaning - Organic traffic for years.

@trumpman2 ( and other large investors/wealthy accounts have started to reward people for twitter marketing as well, so you have everything to gain. Short and long term. They understand the importance of optimized content and rankings. They know how beneficial it can and will be in the long haul, so they reward you for your efforts.

You can see examples of this here for instance: Daily Report Leofinance Twitter Campaign | June 14

Now, like I told you above about Social Signals. This is not only good short term for bursts of traffic or for your rewards today. This is good in terms of rankings as well, as you will retweet, like, share and talk about other LeoFinance/Hive articles. That gives us a nice little extra boost in terms of rankings over time.

Disagree with an article you see? - That's fine. You don't have to upvote it, but you can share it on Twitter for others to see. That's how we will generate traffic. Everyone can make optimized content, or help content to rank. Everyone will benefit from that.

If you are interested, take a look at my previous SEO mini-series I made:

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta