
scot: declined payout is applied and comment beneficaries can be activated

avatar of @holger80
1 min read

scotbot checks now if a post has declined all payouts.

Whenever a post which has declined all payout is not pending anymore, its pending token are now moved back to the pool.

Comment beneficaries can be enabled for a specific token

Each token has now two new settings:

  • enable_comment_beneficiaries - when enabled, comment beneficiaries are applied
  • exclude_beneficiaries_accounts - It is possible to exclude accounts which should not receive tokens (e.g. liqwid)

At the moment, AAA has enabled enable_comment_beneficiaries``. Whenever you attach beneficaries to a post with one aaa`tag, the specified accounts will receive one share from the author rewards token.

When a beneficaries of 10% is set for account b and the author a has a paid out post with 1 AAA author rewards, a will receive 0.9 AAA and b will receive 0.1 AAA.

If you are a SCOT owner and want to enable beneficiaries, let me know.