
Forking makes steem reborn! Buy in STEEM, go to write!分叉让steem获得重生!抢筹,分野!

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Forking makes steem reborn! Buy in STEEM, go to write!分叉让steem获得重生!抢筹,分野!

steem作为一个很有前途的区块链项目,一直没有发展的很好,至少跟他的前景不相匹配。 As a promising blockchain project, steem has not developed very well, at least not matching his prospect.

主要受制于缺乏一个强势的团队,这对任何项目早起发展,都是致命的。 Mainly restricted by the lack of a strong team, it is fatal for any project to get up early.

现在分叉了,好! It's hard fork now, Great!

愿意接受强势团队主导的,可以选择TRON孙宇晨的steem;愿意坚持自己的steem理念的,可以在新的steem(比如HIVE)上,做实验。 If you are willing to accept the strong team leadership, you can choose the steem of Tron sun Yuchen; if you are willing to adhere to your own steem concept, you can do experiments on the new steem (such as HIVE).

不同想法的阵营,都得到了发展的自由。 The camps with different ideas are free to develop.

对于用户来说,任何一个实验成功,都是STEEM的成功。 For users, the success of any experiment is the success of Steem.

不管她叫TRON的steem,还是HIVE的steem。 Whether her name is Steem of Tron or Steem of HIVE.

所以,现在要做的就是,抢筹,分野!兄弟登山,各自努力! So, what we have to do now is to scramble for buying in STEEM and go to write! Brothers climbing, each hard!