
Living beyond your means: A deterrent to you and your financial freedom

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4 min read

Living beyond your means is a common financial mistake that you might be doing, but it is not sustainable, and it is also a big deterrent to you and your financial freedom.
Source It's just a matter of spending too much money on unnecessary things. Most times, it may be a result of not earning enough money to cover your expenses each month.

No matter what your reason for living beyond your means is, there are consequences.

You will be more likely to get into debt

Living beyond your means is a habit many of us fall into as a result of our lifestyles. We want to buy the latest gadgets and the most expensive clothes, but we don’t want to save for them. The problem is that living beyond your means can impact your financial freedom in the long run and cause you to get into debt.

You have to start living within your means by buying only what you can afford. This may seem like a difficult task, but it will help you make better financial decisions in the future. You will have more money saved up, and you won’t be tempted by things that are out of your budget.

You will need to work more hours at a job you might not enjoy

Living beyond your means can hurt your financial freedom. It could take you years to pay off your debts and in the meantime, you would be working more hours at a job you might not enjoy.

You will be less likely to save money because of the lifestyle you are living

Living beyond your means can be a slippery slope. It can start with small things like getting the newest iPhone or buying the latest fashion trend. But it can quickly turn into living in an expensive apartment, leasing a car, and going out to eat every day. Source The problem with this is that you are making it more difficult for yourself to save money. You are less likely to save money because of the lifestyle you are living and will find it hard to make ends meet when emergencies arise.

It is important to live within your means and not overspend. If you are living a lifestyle that is more expensive than what you are earning, then it will be difficult to save money.

It increases the likelihood that you will have to sacrifice some of the things you want in life

Living beyond your means can be a great way to live in the moment, but the problem is that you will have to sacrifice some of the things you want in life. For example, many people who live beyond their means will buy brand new cars and houses when they could have bought used versions and saved money.

This can lead to increased interest rates and credit card debt which will make it harder for them to get out of this situation.

When you live beyond your means, you are sacrificing other things that you want in life. For example, if you spend $1,000 on a new TV that is not a need and then has to decide between paying the electric bill or buying groceries for the week, it is easy to see how living beyond your means can impact your financial freedom.

It makes it harder for you to make investment decisions

Living beyond your means can impact your financial freedom by making it harder for you to make investment decisions.

Some people believe that living beyond their means is a good thing because they can enjoy life more in the present. And they think the money will keep coming in, however, this is not always the case. If you live beyond your means, you will have less money to invest and grow in the future which might be detrimental to your financial freedom.

You need to understand that you could be getting more returns on your money if you were living below your means and investing the difference.

Should you live below your means?

Living beyond your means makes you spend more than you earn and this can lead to a lot of problems such as not being able to afford necessities, making less money, and not being able to invest in yourself or others.

But when you live below your means you are creating a strategy that allows you to live comfortably with limited income and save some money for emergencies or future investments. It’s also a good idea if you want to retire early because it allows you to build wealth faster.


If you are living beyond your means, it could hurt your financial freedom. For example, if you have a lot of debt and no savings, you're going to be more hesitant to make an investment decision. That’s why you should always be mindful of the amount of money you spend and the amount of money that you earn.

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