
What do you need to change in your life to be happy?

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7 min read

I can tell you I am happy and you will believe it. The evidence is clear, and it's written in my smiles, my laughter, my joyous activities, most importantly my body. Yes, I gain weight, healthily and everyone who sees me comments on how healthy I look. What helped? Peace of mind, happiness, knowing that even though the future looks scary, I am on the right track.

I am happy every day

Initially, or let me say, a few months ago, I would have been tackling the next set of questions you will see in the future tense. However, right now, I will be tackling them in the present tense, if there is anyone that isn't done yet, I will give them all to you, in the most sincere manner that I can afford.

So, here we go, I hope that you enjoy reading through and stay till the end.

What do I need to change to be happy?

I already have. As it stands, I have my financial lifestyles look into, and I am having a journey towards building wealth in the platter of gold. What do I mean? Stay put, I'll share it with you.

When I left home to find who I was destined to be, I had difficulty surviving the first year. Things took a different turn when I began to use my writing abilities to earn money. I didn't have a considerable sum of money but it was enough to cater for food, and housing bills.

Then, disaster struck, and I got into a relationship with a young guy, and he suffocated me to the point where I wasn't allowed to think for myself. I wanted to try a lot of things and see if I was good at it or if I will fail or not. He wasn't having any of that. I didn't have breathing space, and we both didn't have our financial lives straight so it was difficult to sustain the relationship on love alone.

The funniest thing is that I didn't realize that most of the financial escapades he told were lies, built to cover up more lies, and loose ends. Then one morning, he wanted out, and I said yes. I wanted the freedom to do the things I loved doing without restrictions. It was around this time last year, and I am telling you this as a one-year memory, though.

Fast forward, one year later, my financial lifestyle has changed. In the few days, we broke up, I got a job, a friend recommended me because he knew I write and I was passionate about it. I took the job in a bit to forget everything and stay distracted from the breakup. It worked, I had lots of workloads, and thinking about a failed relationship wasn't part of the deal.

After a while, I resigned from my job because it started taking a toll on me and my health, I went home and rested. A few weeks later, I got another writing gig, and I have been writing for a while now.

Today, I can tell you that I am happy because I had been freed to take decisions on my own, stumble, fall, and pick myself up. I try to take care of myself and see what it would feel like, so I will be able to take care of the next person I will be falling in love with. I understand the principles of making money, keeping a percentage, and making the saved percentage make more money.

Just as it is told in the book, "The Richest Man in Babylon". I have learned the principles of money, I understand it, and I am currently practicing the habit of observing them.

This brings us back to the question, What do I need to change to be happy? Freedom.

Freedom to do the things I love doing with as much passion as I can afford. Freedom to say yes, and no, and not feel guilty over it. Freedom to think for me, and find solutions to my challenges, problems, and troubles. Freedom.

Is my health where I want it to be?

Yes. I sleep more than the average person should. I am consistent with getting 8 hours of sleep and once I am awake, I work round the clock, meeting clients' needs, and taking care of myself. Knowing I am allergic to this or that, I try as much as I can to avoid them. I watch what I consume, always, having at the back of my mind that health is wealth.

How much money do I need?

Last month, I read a book titled, "Your Money or your life" by Vicki Robin, and Joe Dominguez. I discovered that every time money leaves my pocket, my life energy is depleting. If it takes me 1 week to earn $100, and I spend the money, the problem isn't the fact that I spent it, it's the fact that I will have to work an extra 1 week to cover it.

This means, every time I spend $100, I have to replace it in a week, if I continue this way, I will work my ass off till I breathe my last. The idea is to always ask if my life energy is worth the things I spend my money on.

This made me begin to track my expenses. Last month, I am proud to tell you, I know the exact amount of money I need to live for a month because I tracked all of my expenses, and I have a picture of my spending habits. I continued doing it, and I plan on doing it for the rest of my life.

For now, I know I need a lot of money, what I haven't figured out yet is how much... Forgive me.

Are my relationship going well?

My writing career supports my life and my relationship and this is one of the things that makes me happy. I have made lots of friends because I took the journey to self-discovery. These are friends that support my cause, my talents, abilities, and passion. My family is supportive as well, and I am usually happy to be able to support them as a result of my writing career.

How I'm I making the world better?

I'm I? Yes. With my blog(do visit it sometime, thank you), I have documented my journey through life, and I am not hoping to stop anytime soon. I want to share my story and all the struggles I encountered and how I came out victorious or lost with the world. This way, anyone out there can find the confidence to push through life regardless of the circumstances surrounding them. They will know they are not alone, and if I can do it, another can. I borrow this phrase from Akeelah,

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously permit other people to do the same. Akeelah and the bee

I do this every day when I write on Hive. I share real-time experiences with my followers, hoping to change the lives of my audience, and make the world a better place for them.

Am I spending my time on what I value most?

Yes. Absolutely. If I am not writing, I am reading. If I am not reading, I am cooking for myself. If I am not cooking, I am sharing thoughts with my friends physically, and on my social media accounts. If I am not doing any of these, I am getting my beauty sleep. Certainly, isn't this what being happy is about? Being able to do the things you love doing without fear or unworthy worries? I think it is.

What I'm I grateful for?

  • First, I am grateful I allowed the break up with my fiancee, this time last year, even though I still loved him then. It opened up endless possibilities for me, I hope it did for him too.

  • Second, I am grateful I found this platform, and I am opportune to meet a lot of people who are out to support each other no matter what.

  • Third, I am grateful for my parents and the training they gave me as a child, it's one of the things that is holding me up till today.

  • Fourth, I am grateful for my siblings, they mean the world to me

  • Fifth, I am grateful for my best friend, and the rest of the people I call friends, they are cherished.

  • Sixth, I am grateful for being a teachable individual, it's the attributes that have held me together when the storms come.

  • Seventh, I am grateful to the Almighty for being there for me every single time I need him, he shows me what love is.

  • Eighth, I am grateful for you reading this today, especially up to this point, you are the reason I keep writing. Thank you

  • Nine, I am grateful for this, that, and this, and that, and that, and that, the list is endless.

How do I connect with the spiritual in my life?

God is my foundation. He is the one person who has gone through life's journey with me. He keeps whispering everything will be okay, I am here, do not panic. I have genuine faith in him, and the wonders of his love because he has shown me, time, and time again, that he cares. So, yes, I connect with something higher than me, and that is my relationship with God.

I have a lot of reasons to be happy. I am very happy that most times I am scared that it's not ideal. When I saw the word of the week, I was scared to write about it, too. Then my eyes stumbled on a book in my library, an exercise book. The quote made me want to share with you my thoughts on the word, "Happy"

Source: Shot was taken by me

Here is how this book defined happiness

Research suggests that happiness is a combination of how satisfied you are with your life (for example finding meaning in your work) and how good you feel on a day-to-day basis. Source: Vista Campus Exercise Book

Then I googled "Question and answer on happy"; I found this blog, " 10 questions that will help you find happiness", and I attempted answering the questions.

I hope you learned something. Is there a part of your life or decision that you are happy about? Share it with me in the comment box. Thank you.

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