
DJINN MUIRAT | Focus Chest

avatar of @joetunex
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DJINN MUIRAT is not the fastest of cards as it has a constant speed of 2 from level 1 to max level but the Armor is has being a magic card is one of the reasons I had to add it to my collection.

It was an Explosive Weaponry ruleset and I banked on DJINN MUIRAT in the second spot for blast effects before damaging the health.

The abilities of MUIRAT especially the Giant Killer at level 2 is basically destructive when it does strike. Further on at level 3 and 4 are the Magic Reflect and Forcefield abilities which makes this card a formidable force to come up against.

From the oppositions I am coming up against Death element is beginning to entice me, I will need to add some Riftwatchers for strength.

Looking at the price of DJINN MUIRAT a Regular Foil is selling for around $5.40, that is a bargain compared to the cost earlier and the Gold Foil is selling for around $29.40.


A better reward compared to yesterday's, an extra copy of DJINN RENOVA is always welcome.

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