
The Hot Take Of All Crypto Hot Takes

avatar of @jongolson
2 min read

Quick question....

What determines a solid crypto project to invest into?

I have my 'must haves'...And I'm sure you'll recognize them when I spit them out.

Use case.



I am big on all these and rarely, if ever, do I look at the price of a token. Sure, we all wanna see things moon and all, but if a project doesn't scream with use case, community and development...I stay away!

No charts, no T&A, none of it. I don't care. Crypto to me is about a revolution in everything. From finance to social media, entrepreneurship to government. But I'm in the minority....

Here's why and buckle your seat belts because I'm sure this 'hot take' will piss someone off lol

People in crypto SAY they want more use case...But all they really care about is the price of a token.

Development and community be damned, they just wanna see some green candles!

Let's take a look at some of the evidence...


The king of crypto. The grand daddy.

What's it's use case?

Store of value, I'll give it that. When it's running on lightning, there's the possibility for day to day transactions. But overall, the use case for the king of crypto is...Limited?

Maybe I'm missing it, because I don't spend my time in the 'charts'. But where is Bitcoin when it comes to the markets?

Top of the food chain...Numero Uno!

A powerful brand and the grandfather of all this stuff for sure! And I know some around the world will tell you how much it's going to change everything but has the tech changed in the past decade?

Anyways, I'm not anti-Bitcoin, I love it in fact so....

Let's bring it closer to home...

People scream on Hive for each Hive Engine token to have 'more use case' but does that really matter?

We see loads of use case for some of these amazing projects on Hive Engine (not all, but some!) but what do people really care about?

What it's trading at!

We've become so hooked on the price of a project, no matter what the track record is of development, use case and community.

Is this what crypto is to become?

I'm beating a dead horse here, and I'm sure you've heard both @taskmaster4450 and I rant about this on the CryptoManiacs podcast, but we need to get away from judging a project by how it trades on a market.

This is why Hive and the projects built on Hive Engine are so important to me. There is all 3 of my 'must haves' here...

Use case. Development. And community!

I'm just not sure I buy the constant claim that....

'A project needs more use case' anymore!

We have all the use case in the world on Hive...Why aren't we a top 10 token on the markets?

Because people SAY they want more use case, but what they really want is...

Green candles.
